What geekery is this?


My sister is also a wound and ostemy care nurse. She just started a year or so ago, and the stories so far are like whoa. I wonder what it will be like in a decade? o.O

I'm guilty of looking at it through American glasses (I did see it originated in Europe) and of not being even remotely a scientist (despite making fabulous cookies).

What if I don't mind my geeklets being gay? Not that I'm advocating smoking or not, but really?


I have an aversion to pretentious utensils, I'm getting this other fork instead.

I've only ever met one Ashton. He's pretty awesome. He's my BBFs youngest.

I think somebody mistook this for Gawker. =|

That's umdude's birthday too! Mine is 3 days later, glamgeek's was a weekish ago, and the eldest is the second week of Jan.

I'm really, super stoked that you too found a balance! <3

Well, we all live together, and the newbie is their half-brother. So, we kind of did it backward. It's cool, the geeklets know I'm a weirdo (of the interesting variety).

He has to ask to make it official. But, we've been discussing it for a year. I don't think it will be any time soon.

We want to do something similar, we just haven't decided what to do yet! =)

I don't have a father to give me away, or keep me! I've never met the guy!

Wait. Does that mean that having my older geeklets walk me down the isle, and having them be part of the ceremony (they have the option to say something, or not), is way gross? They weren't going to give me away, the idea was more of a blending of families, and to make sure they know that this is about them too.

...and I'm still a gray. Awk. Ward. o.O

I heart you!

Del Webb communities, as well as so many other seniors who are scared of brown people and love his original tough on crime schlock. They all praise him for striped outfits, pink underwear, green bologna, and chain gangs.