
Lmao sooooo much projecting going on in the comment section.

The touch of death aspect was due to the TAC glitch, which they were never able to patch. But if you look at 2 it really wasn’t like that. Personally I think adding more defensive options would have done the trick. This game needs a burst mechanic. Instant blocking, and probably an infinite prevention system too. I

Actually it’s a return to MVC2. Which was two punch buttons and two kick buttons. Then the assist buttons. Ezcept now it’s just one assist button.

I really wish they would just come out and say they didn’t have the budget to develop a 3-team tag system. This idea that it was too overwhelming is bullshit. When I was a kid playing versus series, you know how my friends and I chose characters? “Oh these 3 are my favorite characters, that’s my team.” That’s how

Lynch managed to leave with his health and legacy in good standing. I’m more than a little worried for his health, considering his age.  

He put up 41-13-12 tying the biggest comeback in playoff history and the internet acted like it was regular. I treat it like boxing or ma scoring. If you didn’t see enough to definitively dethrone the champ, I have hard time giving the belt to the challenger. Bron is MVP until further notice, lol.

See part of me feels like the issue is the system. And that’s a coaching thing. Donovan doesn’t seem to have ideas outside of running everything through Russ. And that’s an issue, particularly when they have guys who can contribute on offense. They can’t spot up and shoot 3's but Kanter and Adams are good inside.

Agreed. D’Antoni’s system will work long as you have the right playmaker that can drive the offense.

Haha he seriously reminds me of Hank Scorpio from the Simpsons. Venture Capitalist that just so happens to be a super villain.

Harden is the one MVP who’s team seems to be just fine when he’s not in the game. I mean, he played awful yesterday and Nene (!) when 12-12 from the field, lol.

Lmao, been a bad run of commercials for them. Reminds me of the 2010 World Cup when damn near all of the teams in Nike’s big extended add were eliminated by the 3rd round.

Had the unmitigated gall to make a Gatorade commercial about how clutch he is.

PG’s final 3 attempt...

What are you asking me? I’m referring to what they should have done BEFORE taking away the invincibility from dragon punches. The issue in season 1, is that the the risk for doing a DP was too low. You could mash out the DP even if you missed timed it and beat the meaty attack. It made it so characters who didn’t have

I think they have done what KOF did years ago. Make it so that if you don’t Time the reversal DP correctly than you get delayed startup. Stops ppl from mashing out the DP, but doesn’t punish them from timing it correctly against the opponent meaty.

It’s possible that it’s a bug but was never found because it seems like it’s very rare cases where it could work. Either way extended the hurtbox forward would fix the issue.

Yipes was basically saying it was corny. Not that he doesn’t approve of it, he just doesn’t approve of it being ran in to the ground. Marvel doesn’t have a dizzy mechanic tho so idk how it would even be implemented, lol.

they tried and the Sixers for whatever reason just said. no. Even tho they eventually took a deal that was basically the same offer. Maybe they didn’t want him in the same conference?

They need all of those things, yes. But does PG being the best player on a team help you beat Lebron or the Warriors? We’ve already seen that situation play out. Watching it again right now with Pacers/CAVS. PG is going off and it doesn’t matter.

Seems like on fire status is more about how long you stay alive between shifts in the match. Like, if you didn’t die during a point capture you usually get on fire, where as if you got 3-4 kills then died, you prob don’t get on Fire status.