It’s the democratic party’s job to make themselves look better than their opponent. They failed, pretty badly on that front. And a lot of it was preventable.
It’s the democratic party’s job to make themselves look better than their opponent. They failed, pretty badly on that front. And a lot of it was preventable.
Man, if the DEM party had just like, done the fundamentals instead of passively ignoring signs and assuming they had votes locked up this might have been different. They never seemed to really fight aggressively to win.
These numbers are completely off. Trump didn’t win 20% of the vote among black men. He only won 8% among ALL black voters in general. 13% among black men. Same with Hispanic. He won 29% overall. Not among just the men.
Lmao you sound like a bit. Hit all of the codes-language buzzwords. Congrats.
It wasn’t some white women, it was a majority of the white women who voted. A pretty significant number. Which means it was about more than misogyny. If it was about misogyny they wouldn’t have voted for him. But the values of the women clearly aren’t intersectional with the values of others.
Having different views and trying to create another option is not selfish. In fact it’s encouraged by the system, should a 3rd party actually gain ground and become a real contender.
A lot of discrimination you’re glossing over in order to make a point but I can see false equivalency would be a theme if this back-and-forth continued.
I’m not saying that the state turned to neonaziism (very nuanced if you btw), I’m saying that the state of Wisconsin and the rest of the Rust Belt has always been the subject of racial tension when it comes to the labor force and working class. Stemming all the way back to the Great Migration. Trump was the first…
The age thing is really interesting, and probably why the campaign strategists and advisors let Trump act the way he did. Dude got to look like the old guy who still has it. That misogyny was big for him, because he appealed to a lot of these older white men’a masculinity. Bernie legit looked like he might have died…
Maybe in referencing an outdated update about the numbers then. That’s my fault. I still can’t find multiple sources saying the same thing tho. Data seems to be a bit all over the place at the moment.
It really isn’t though. The people who simply abstained or couldn’t vote due to obstacles from voter suppression I think would have had a bigger impact. Obama won with similar numbers of white votes going the other side. The votes Hillary needed simply never voted.
Yup. Their feelings were hurt that no candidate was specifically speaking to them as white people. One candidate joined them in othering himself from the rest of America and they responded to it. I grew up in the rust belt. Those ppl care about unions and financial security. And only as long as that was being…
Something like over 800 polling locations were closed. And that number might just have been for the south.
Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.
Obama didn’t win the election with the demographic that voted for Trump. Only had 39% in 2012. He won with the others demographics. Which is why the gutting of the Voting Rights Act is so significant. Probably took away the votes Hillary needed to swing a couple states.
I think the issue is that Hillary didn’t speak to them specifically as white people. Because she should not have needed to. Those ppl weren’t the only communities in the rust belt suffering. People in the next neighborhood over were going through the same thing, and worse.
Maybe not in America but goobalnwars have always been because of ego.
Nah, those ppl were racist too. It’s true that they were dehumanized and repeatedly made to seem like they don’t count, but they are racist too. The rust belt states have a history of it on both sides of party lines.
It’s cool. Go get some snacks and booze and strap-in.
But if you actually read the posts none of the deadspin staff threw their votes at the one-off Libertarian. They either voted for Hillary or just didn’t vote. I have my issues with not voting at all, but they were asked to give some form of explanation, so they did.