Yup, even Schumer came out and said Trump literally “threw a temper-tantrum.”
Yup, even Schumer came out and said Trump literally “threw a temper-tantrum.”
I think they should accept everyone of these meetings, because in this whole shitty, pointless mess, hearing about Trump’s childish behavior and then dunking on his ass afterwards is the only entertainment.
I really think they shouldn’t bother with in person meetings with Trump. Just give a presser that says “We’ve told President Trump to give us a call when he’s ready to open the government without his wall money and not a moment sooner”.
He’s already lost, so the farther along all this nonsense goes, maybe just MAYBE some of the brainwashed idiots will see through his bluster and go “holy shit, what is this guy actually doing here?”
“He thinks maybe they could just ask their father for more money. But they can’t”
He’s painted himself into a corner, and there is no way for him to get out of it without ending up with paint all over himself. He’s cornered and slashing at everyone, and like the author states, you can’t spin you even were negotiating when you leave the negotiating table. His best option was getting something…
This clown could not possibly fuck up more things if he actually tried to.
He dolts. Look how he dolts.
Butterfingers? Skittles? Baby Ruths? M&Ms? I for sure pegged that motherfucker as the type of head case that hoards NECCO Wafers.
Ashamed to admit that my takeaway from this was, “You started college in 2008?!??!?” Couldn’t concentrate after that. I kept thinking I’d need to grade it at the end.
One disturbing observation about Trump’s base is that a lot of them supported him in a big part because they thought that he would hurt people they didn’t like. Some of them care more about Trump, “sticking it to the libs,” or otherwise harming people than they care about him helping them.
Pence better be the one to kill Trump. Cause we all know that chickenshit motherfucker would totally go back on his word and not off himself.
Yeah, it was obvious by his demeanor during the speech that he was just phoning this one in.
That’s what the border visit is for. To make him feel godly again.
“Lather, rinse, repeat, throw up.”
Yeah your last sentence is the real issue. Putin has been trying to weaken Europe for ages - and if we are no longer a reliable ally in the world, he can do (more of) his bidding there.
For inflicting Gordon Ramsay and Russell Brand on us for starters.
Boy, thank God America’s position of leadership in the world didn’t rest on an intricate web of soft power and alliances, primarily involving the traditional European powers. I’d be worried that long-term we’re going to be completely and utterly fucked because of this pissbaby’s petty bullshit! But luckily America is…
So now the entire EU is Montenegro to this guy???
“What about Brexit, can we upgrade their status?”