
Susan Collins will give a 45 minute speech where she says she believes that there were people who conspired with the Russians, but it wasn’t Donald Trump or Paul Manafort and anyone who thinks it was them is confused.

I think he is just so vainglorious that he does not want to appear without his overpriced wardrobe. That is his only shame.

A pardon will not work on the state charges or on charges unrelated to the initial special investigation, of which IIRC Manafort has a lot.

Or if I knew my friend Donnie was gonna pardon me. ;)

Can’t say I blame him. If I knew I was never getting out I’d probably not want to bother with the time and trouble of going back and forth to court and would rather just sit in my cell and watch General Hospital while brewing my latest batch of homemade toilet pruno.

Jeff Flake will be so disappoint. Schumer will offer to give Trump only 3 billion for border security but Trump has to pinky swear not to build walls. Fences only!

I always thought Republicans were about free markets and no government interference. I've never heard of a President that tries to control the free markets more than Trump... He is going to collapse the country just to impress the dumbest of our citizens...

Yeah, this shouldn’t be a hard vote at all. But we’re dealing with a black Republican, here.

The Republican party already raised taxes.

The man whose livelihood depends on the racist status quo finds no problem with the racist status quo.

Chicken hawk hatches chicken tax. News at 11.

The Republican Party: Now raising taxes!

it’s not a TAX it’s a “chicken tariff”. Totally different!

I feel like this would have been right at home at the beginning of an episode of Futurama.

The GOP would love nothing more than to eliminate the income tax and replace it with a national sales tax; if you Google it, it’s been a topic of discussion stretching back at least 20 years. I’ve even encountered one article advocating for a 23-30% national sales tax, and, interestingly enough, it also argues at the

WTF Republicans? What happened to less taxes and ‘deregulating’ markets?

Trump does plenty of dumb shit, but IMO, this (the Chicken Tax debate) is not a good fight to pick. It’s not hard to make an argument for the Chicken Tax if you ignore all externalities... Which you can absolutely count on his base to do:

It’s funny because when he started his presidency, Jalopnik would occasionally write some very valid posts about things Trump is doing that negatively impact the auto industry, and there were a LOT of very vocal Jalopnik commenters whining about how “the libs” are just trying to find things wrong with Trump and should

The Republican Party: Now raising taxes!

His supporters will find a way to love this.