
How do the people surrounding him, including the Secret Service, just not punch his face in? I have seen rambling drunks mouthing off in bars get knocked out for saying things not even half as stupid as he says.

It’s like the 5 year old spoiled prince has to be waited upon hand and foot and all people are his lackeys. “He want’s what now, turtle soup from nearly extinct turtles? Who can get us a fucking turtle?”
He should be spanked.

My mom has dementia and sometimes she’ll get an idea stuck in her head and just go on about it, and I let her because my mom is a sweet old lady, and my mom’s not in charge of the United States of America.

Lately the alcohol level in my blood is BECAUSE of Trump’s I.Q.

I guess I know how WH press corps feels. How can you fact check this asshole in real time? He’s like those new style debate kids, but instead of spouting off as many arguments as quickly as possible, he just screams as many lies as he can in a minute and a half.

Once again I delude myself that this is as dumb as it can get.

Yeah he’s not even trying to learn different talking points and it seems no one is even trying to get him to. Fucking raking man that’s all we gotta do just like in Finland. They rake and trees don’t catch fire because they’re wet from getting all the water.

He doesn’t KNOW. Dumb + egotist = I believe something + ignoring the experts.

The alcohol level in my blood is higher than Trump’s I.Q.

In a strange sort of way I have to admire his determination at how he’s totally latched on to this better raking preventing forest fires idea and has basically said “Goddamn it, I don’t care how fucking dumb it makes me look, I’m riding this horse to the very end.”

You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean.

You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean

JobCorps is actually a good program; it doesn’t have anything to do with combat...it’s a continuing-education-type program for people 22 and under where they learn skills like plumbing, electrical, welding, etc., in exchange for helping build infrastructure.

Especially since the company, and not the workers, are getting most of that money.

IIRC, and Splinter had an article on this awhile back, the reason CBP was having trouble hiring more agents was *shock* nobody wanted to be that shitty to another human being!

I’m fairly certain that screams of pain and agony from a person being brutally murdered are universally understood across all language barriers.

That scene’s from Gone With the Wind. When it premiered in Atlanta, a Southerner commented that if they’d really had that many men in the war, they’d have won it.

There's more people in that picture than at his inauguration!