
Actually, a surprising number of families do that. I had never heard of the practice until I grown and on my own, but I have encountered quite a few people whose families went round robin with the “I am thankful for ...”, the round then ending with a long prayer. There is nothing wrong with a little gratitude for what

I laughed when I first read it but after about five more seconds it seemed less funny and absolutely plausible. I’m sure he’d be shoving old women down flights of stairs to get to the first lifeboats before shoving off with his own personal boat. Probably smacking people already in the water with oars to keep them

“he would give them $100 if they could break par at his golf course”

One of the coldest we’ve seen from the standpoint of cold?

Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re in the wrong job,” Trump wrote in his 2004 book, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire.”
“I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” he told supporters in Virginia.
“@BarackObama played golf yesterday. Now he

Who’s gonna pay for it? Mexico The U.S. middle class with the now forgotten 10% tax cut promised before the mid-terms.  MAGA suckers!

Actually, turkeys are in fact very intelligent.

Who knew Trump was dumber that a domesticated turkey?”

Not enough people apparently.

*casually raises hand*

The world?

Who knew Trump was dumber that (sic) a domesticated turkey?

Yeah, ok, this is the White House media department that has allowed him to be as lazy and sloppy as he already has been. They don’t give a fuck.

You do have to give Trump one thing: he is uniquely talented at being incredibly awful at things that almost every other public figure would consider easy.

People who want to get out of there as soon as possible and won’t put this disaster on their resume any way

That was the best one of 178 takes. 

“Now let’s go sell some weapons!”

Should someone tell the White House media department it’s possible to shoot more than one take? Who releases shit like this?