
Indeed. For anyone wondering why Jeff Sessions had to be fired instead of quitting in the face of all that scorn and belittlement from Trump, this is your answer: it was all worth it for him because of what he was allowed to do from the position.

I wish the DNC would focus on unseating this fuckface.

Tell them Black people can’t vote on the Sun and they’d probably willingly go.

No surprises, here. I don’t think anyone who has been following along closely for all this ever thought Graham was going to bat for us against Trump. The GOP is all-in on this administration as long as Trump continues to serve their agenda, pack the judiciary with ideologues, and try to build a racist/xenophobic

Never stop posting that! It’s so important, and yet we can’t get people to hear it enough.

It’s not even big dick energy! It’s like “yo, sluts be lusting after big dicks, what’s wrong with mine? Fucking roasties.”

Right? Like others I don’t quite agree with what he said about Beto, but this is spot on. This is the Democrats’ biggest blind spot.

“And Jesus said unto Lazarus, ‘LOL PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS, LOSER’, and lo, Lazarus began to rot.”

I know you linked the article in the main post but I just want to point out this NYT’s op-ed piece was co-authored by Kellyanne Conway’s husband. How fucking dysfunctional are Conway family dinners I wonder.

Beto is also a very charismatic guy running against the least charismatic guy in the Senate who everybody hates. 

Agreed on all counts, especially Beto. It’s not that Beto didn’t have policies: it’s that he’s in a deeply red area, and that 49% (in some respects) has to be considered a win.

I have some mixed feelings:

Save the “heard” in quotes (WHY?), inject this straight into my veins:

Between this and the profile, my take is that this guy is way too smart and his spirit is way too indomitable to be left to run in a hopelessly red district. I think Palo Duro canyon is a way underrated place to visit, but the district is hopelessly conservative.

Holy Shit Ezekiel 23:20 is literally about Big Dick Energy.

Good on him for running! Don’t allow Republicans to go unchallenged in elections. The vast majority of their candidates are horrible creatures that believe that they are entitled to power.

Another commenter referred to him the other day as “Angry Thumb Matthew Whitaker”

I post this every time I think about this. It’s more specific to sexual harassment and assault but the sentiment is the same: these powerful men are simultaneously deserving of the responsibility of running society but too stupid to be responsible for anything. https://theweek.com/articles/737056/myth-male-bumbler

I’m always a little taken aback by the disconnect between Trump’s insistence that he runs everything within his businesses (or his administration personally) when things are going well, but any time one of his ill-advised decisions comes back around to bite him in the ass, suddenly it’s, “I don’t know him/her. I never