Every headline should be something like "Trunp is wrong! Again!"
Every headline should be something like "Trunp is wrong! Again!"
I get why the media doesn't like to call it a "lie". They're going by the legal definition that requires a person to knowingly state a falsehood. That requires intent, which they don't know. And, with Trump, I sometimes wonder if it's a falsehood he's knowingly stating, he's so dumb that he doesn't know the real…
He should name John Barron as his Chief of Staff!
As a Steelers fan, I expected them to lose today. Bad on the road. Bad vs bad teams. Bad on the west coast.
I hope they added shrinking powers to it, to go along with the best horn!
I have no issue with an amateur student-athlete skipping any (or all) games. But, unless they’re anticipating being a top 10 pick in the NFL’s “player selection meeting”, I would think the risk of injury is worth the potential to improve the draft stock.
Liberty: when Bob Jones University is too extreme.
I'm pretty sure most people who think Columbus landed in the USA (at Plymouth Rock, right?), don't realize Puerto Rico is part if the USA.
Not to mention, that if Rex is dumb and lazy, Trump is the one who nominated him for Sec State and it was the Republican senate that confirmed him. So, if Rex is the worst Sec State - Trump needs to eat the blame for putting him there. But of course, Trump is never at fault!
Barr was best known for handing out pardons like candy? I’m sure the candy part is what really excited him!
Has anyone seen Jr and Arnett together? Are we sure this isn't some sort of performance art?
The ghost of Nixon as Christmas past? The ghost of Bush-41 as Christmas present? The ghost of Eisenhower as Christmas future, repeating to be wary of the military-industrual complex?
The amazing part is that Blake Bortles wasn’t the biggest embarrassment.
I’m shocked that a businessman who uses a lot of low wage labor would willingly hire illegal immigrants and pay them low wages.
Damn thats good. Instead of prison tatoos, he's getting prison toupees.
I'm fine with him losing his primary. The worst democratic senator is better than the best republican senator.
Fake news. That's a wood fire, not coal. If they just cut down all the trees and raked the underbrush, there'd be no forest fires.
I hope so, that's how the process should work. If people don't want the union to represent them, they can try on their own. And maybe get a better deal, maybe a worse one.
Man, I want to see this. Imagine him bragging about his ratings. "I get higher ratings in prison than Obama did in the White Horse!"
It also appears Eric is the one actually running the company, and trying to not involve Sr in everything. Completely agree, Eric is no prize, but Jr is the worst.