
To be fair, I posted this about a year ago, and actually have gotten a chance to play Warmachine since then. It played pretty well, and a lot of the models are pretty cool. I'm not really a fan of WH40k's gameplay much, although I've played it quite a bit. But I absolutely love the style of 40k, and think that the

This has been my setup, I knew I kept that old box around for some reason:

I'm probably still going to love this game like I've loved every other FC (except 2, but including the weird but awesome console exclusive entries), but does no one else remember the E3 showing of FC3?

Because that person's completely reasonable request required you to respond like a complete dick.

It was awesome... back when Fallout 3 did it.

You might have to ask for it. Policy is 200% back, but not all people enforce it unless the member brings it up. They technically shouldn't be doing that, though.

As a Sam's Club employee, I'd like to note a couple of things: a Plus membership is not needed for cash back on the Discover, it doubles the amount, 1% for Savings members (aka the $45 fee), or 2% for Plus members.

Enemy Front actually looks pretty fun. Like, $15 on Steam fun eventually.

And so will that disable voice control for those of us that do have Kinect plugged in? The motion controls are godawful, and the facial recognition is neat but not vital, but turning off the voice controls completely would suck pretty hard, since they're by far the fastest way around the system.

I've been getting those all day, super fricking annoying.

I actually love the animation of Mortal Kombat games. It feels like Kratos in GoW where the animations feel "sticky", it adds to the game-y feel. It's hard to describe.

I recently switched gaming on my PC from my 24" monitor on my desk to my 40" TV. It looks so much better, and it makes gaming really fun, but I have come to HATE games that don't let me scale the HUD/text. So much squinting =/

Saints Row 3 was a huge success for them, and they never got a chance to release SR4.

I pulled one and sold it, and thought "Hah! I'll sell it now, and then when it leaves standard the price will plummet and I'll just get one then!"

That's a FOV issue, not an FPS one

There are plenty of other digital card games that are awesome and that WotC leaves alone. This game pretty blatantly stole the vast majority of it's mechanics from MtG. Look at Hearthstone, it's huge, and is obviously inspired by Magic, but it did it's own thing, and therefore are safe.

They're both still great games. I know many people aren't fond of newer versions of DnD, but I found 4e to be pretty great it you looked at it differently from previous versions, and Magic is still just as good (if not better) than ever. There's a lot more variety in Magic now, with alternate formats like

I've heard it fairly frequently living in Michigan, maybe it's not used where you're located here in America?

This game wasn't released on Early Access, it was released as a finished, full game.