
That's true, HD video can take up obscene amounts of space. For me with games, though, Steam makes it so easy to re-download games that I don't feel the need to keep them on my PC all the time. I also have quite fast download speeds and no bandwidth cap, though, which is a barrier to some people.

Even assuming 10-15GB a game (which is way higher than the average), you'd need to have over 200+ games installed to be getting close to running out of room. Who the hell needs that many games installed at once? I own about 200 games on Steam, but generally like to keep my PC somewhat clean so I only keep about 50

I think this is one of the reasons I've been loving Guild Wars 2. When I've played other MMOs (like the thousands of hours I put into WoW), it completely monopolized my free time. With GW2, I'm not paying monthly so I don't feel bad if I stop playing for a month or two, and the lessened gear treadmill effect means


A lot of these are great, but the one where he turned everyone into Man Pikachu's made me laugh really hard.

That was fantastic, thank you.

I wanna get Gears of War as soon as possible, and then picking up Tomb Raider, Slender, and Bioshock Infinite at some point in the future. Other than that this year, looking forward to Killer is Dead and Watch Dogs, mostly. RE Revelations as well, don't have a 3DS. If Destiny comes out this year, also on my get list.

Holy fuck I'm hungry and you post a picture of goddamn fried chicken.

"Then with Playstation (the PSX) that came down to $60 and it has stayed the sweet spot for years. But $60 in 1990s money is not $60 in 2013 money, so companies wised up and stopped including "bonus" content in with the original release and instead add it in a post-release drip-feed. "

Sweet Chili could kick Hot Mustard's ass any day of the week.

Awesome article, Totilo.

Yeah, the sculpting seemed cool. But the animation parts made no sense at all.

Hopefully. It looked interested, until they just kept showing the same looking simplistic puzzle concept over and over...

So because this game looks boring as fuck I clearly don't "understand" sophisticated games? Fuck off man, I enjoy puzzle games as much as the next person, and I loved Blow's game Braid, but the game play of this entire game looks to be shitty, easy, 2-D line puzzles.

I think a lot of the trash talking isn't because the video sucked, but more because it was ridiculously fake and that the actual product won't resemble it in any fashion.

Graphics looked cool and fun, but the video made it seem like the entire gameplay was based around shitty little 2D puzzles... what the fuck.

And... I just read the RPS article, which I hadn't before realized was a rebuttal to the AT article. So yeah, ignore my previous post, as I hadn't read the RPS article at the time I had posted it. >.<

The AT article seems kinda janky. I get what he was getting at, that we should understand Bungie's opinion, because PCs are falling behind consoles. But then he compares TF2 to Halo 4, saying that Halo 4 has more players daily. There are a couple of problems with that, though:

Hunter Mode sounds exactly like Predator Mode from Far Cry Instincts, aka the best multiplayer experience outside of Halo 2 on XBL back before the 360.