
But these guys already have pretty damn big bank accounts anyways. I don't get why a politician rolling in cash would steal 12 grand, especially with such a risk of getting caught. Now, if someone gave ME 12 grand with my bills and school tuition while working my shitass job... that money would be gone before the

While I agree that this guy, and every politician who wastes our money on themselves, are douchebags, he did say, "I am deeply sorry and take full responsibility for the entire situation."

"I put 28 hours straight into ME2 the first day"

While I think the online only is dumb, since it can be played single player, Diablo is and always has been a primarily co-op based game. Single player and PvP have been side options.

Well, yeah, but I'd make my choice based on features, games, controller layout, etc, before I'd even care if it used SD-style cartridges or discs... in fact cartridges can do more, like have your saves directly on the cartridge instead of on a separate HDD. They also have reasonable load times, unlike BD do.

Why is the thought of small cartridges vs discs worth skipping a whole console's worth of games over?...

They said in the article they would be using a cartridge style system... read the article completely dude.

"Phil Fish is no jerk"

Oh, no I understand, that guy was being a douche, but I hate it when framerates drop. I play both my PC and 360, but the whole costing an arm and a leg thing is pretty false, I think my PC costs about 500 bucks if I were to build it today (I've been slowly upgrading it over the years), not counting stuff like me

Yeah, but nothing more than you'd see in any other raunchy R rated comedy. There wasn't really any nudity either, from what I remember (been a couple/few years since I saw it last).

Did you play WC3 at all? I actually thought that Arthas was always pretty interesting and cool.

Orgazmo didn't even show any copulation. I still have no idea why that movie got an NC-17, it was pretty damn clean, other than talking about some of the subject matter. From what I've heard, it got shittily rated at first, and then due to the low budget of the film they couldn't afford to try and get it re-rated.

Yes, but that's coming from someone who I assume doesn't like FPS games. Should Criterion stop making racers, CDProjekt stop making RPGs, and Harmonix stop making music games? When a developer wants to branch out, cool. Like Epic making that new Pixar-ish themed survival game, cool for them, I'm glad they're getting

Many people, myself included, enjoy games about shooting people. Far Cry and Crysis were fantastic.

Movies don't have to react to your input. And movies have the frames smoothed and blended together, its harder to do that in a video game since the next frame always depends on player input and is random.

Yeah, I really liked Fable I and 2, 3 was eh, but the graphics never hold up to the awesome story-book style art that they use for concepts.

Also, to be fair, it was worth a try from WB, remember when Manhunt 2 on Wii was getting extra flack because apparently motion controls made it more visceral? They really do take that kind of shit into account.

=( if I'm the only guy having these issues I doubt it'll get patched. I don't think its my 360, every other game works fine (including ME1/2), and my old one died like 2 years ago so this one is pretty new.

I thought that Australia was finally fixing this?

Yeah, just the other day a random ninja with a skull face jumped out of the ground and tried to impale me and burn me alive. The world is just going to shit with all these newfangled violence simulator games!