
"you need to shut the fuck up because you have no problems."

"Please note that when arranging advanced returns, we do require a credit card number to be on file in the event the originally-shipped product is not returned."

People were told that they would get the game on launch day. They didn't. NewEgg fucked up and should take responsibility, when they promised something that they didn't deliver on. And he didn't demand compensation or anything, he said that it would be nice of them to do it.

I also had the face import issue, and the Battlefield 3 class didn't unlock for me. The amount of glitches (cutscenes seem to glitch a lot), and EA's stupid amount of microtransactions/exclusive DLC are really trying to make me hate a game that I absolutely love... ME3 has been great so far, but replaying tons of

The games themselves aren't, but with all the added shit piled on through DLC and microtransactions, its getting pretty expensive, and annoying.

Is anyone else having issues with your game freezing during load screens, not being able to use the guide button, and then restarting your console only to find that it reset you back at least an hour, regardless of saves? It's pissing me off bad, its done it twice now on the Citadel, I'm about 9 hours in...

There's the guys who did Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves The World... but other than that... I don't really know of many indie RPGs. There's that one promising looking grid based first person dungeon crawler, but I can't remember the name of it. >.< It had an article on here a couple of months ago about them

While I agree with you for the most part (stuff like Zune), have you forgotten about the little thing called an Xbox? Last gen people said it would never take off, PS and Nintendo were going to be the only main consoles, and now look. The first Xbox didn't sell as well as PS2 or GC but it still did decent, and with

I don't really think that starred commentors really need to worry about that anymore since the site doesn't have a "show only promoted" option anymore...

It is indeed pretty easy to pirate games on Android, but it is on iOS, too. But yeah, ever since they made the refund period 15 minutes instead of 24 hours, I just torrent an app, try it out, and then decide to purchase it or not. Mainly because most games have to download a ton of shit after downloading it to try, so

That's a different type of mech game, though. AC isn't the big hulking slow mechs of MechWarrior or Steel Battalion, its more like Gundam or other fast, anime style mechs. (I've only played Armored Core For Answer though but I liked it a lot).

My nipples are always hard.

But mouse aiming versus shitty thumbstick aiming matters a lot more than full movement possibility versus 8-way movement on PC. And PCs can even get around that, there are speedpads that have joysticks for movement like the G13 or Nostromo.

It did have a time frame for release, they said it would be out this spring. But regardless, I'd rather wait then have it come out shitty.

The issue is that one side will always have an advantage. If there's no auto aim, PC will rape, if there is, controllers will. Halo 2 Vista annoyed the crap outta me, if you plugged in a 360 controller it gave you the horribly strong Halo 2 auto-aim, so controller players would destroy PC players.

Valve delaying a title? Never saw it coming.

So far. I mean, they've delayed it by months instead of years, so they're doing good for now.

If you killed or saved Wrex matters more in 3 than it did in 2.

He's not saying that its revolutionary, in fact he says that they're not going as far as other companies. But its still worth mentioning, as the only real choice in the original BioShock was harvesting or saving the little girls.

I just get the horrible feeling about that. Her hard, cold, metal thighs just shattering poor Joker's weak legs. But I'mma go outta my way to get my homeboy some robot action regardless.