
To be fair, they didn't say they were done with Halo. In fact, they were up front about the fact that they still had a contract for 2 more games after Halo 3. They just said that they were done with Master Chief. So they made ODST and Reach. They're working on a new IP now.

I've tried out a lot of control schemes, my first PC FPS was DOOM so that was all keyboard, but I have to say, WASD is what I stick with. In RPG games I also usually put "forward" on one of my extra mouse buttons so that I can rest one hand while running forward but not in combat.

Thank you for making me laugh so abruptly my cigarette fell out of my mouth and on to my keyboard.

Yeah, I don't think the original run is bad, but I don't like it as much as the later shows. Plus, Patrick Stuart could kick Shatner's ass.

I am Totilo, but let me tell you: what I've already told you is the least of your problems.

I have an Android and don't particularly care for Apple, but what?

This looks pretty cool. I played Trials HD when my friend brought his 360 over once and I thought it was fun but never bought it. This one looks frickin awesome though, and playing titles like Trackmania2 have made me realize that arcadey time trial games can be a helluva lot more fun than they look.

I don't think he was referring to the Elite subscription, rather, the fact that PS3 owners get the maps later, even if they do pony up for Elite.

I followed the link to Nightmare Mode to check it out.

It'd be way better than the original Fantastic Four. A lot edgier and grittier, too.

This sounds pretty cool. I hate being tied down to where my router is, but I hate wireless. Wifi is awesome for my Android and all, but not for online gaming and Netflix.

I can always go for an episode of Star Trek. =D

I'm ok with that.

Good shit, new people are always fun. And, I'm not gonna lie, I liked Crecente as a person, but wasn't a fan of his articles. Now he's gone and we got 5 NEW PEOPLE! And I was pumped when Totilo took over, by far my favorite writer. Although Fahey is a badass, too. And Tim Rogers, I can't exactly say that I like him,

Thank you, good sir.

Wow, I saw this post yesterday, it was just as fucking stupid then as it is now. How the hell did this end up being picked as the Speak Up? This guy is just being an asshole, he doesn't care about legitimate reasons to dislike online pass, and he just buys the "oh no EA is going to go out of business from used game

Thanks for the info. And thanks to everyone else who posted, too. =D

Does anyone know if you needed to actually complete the Kingdoms of Alamur demo to get the ME3 items? I got to the part where you go outside but I was a bit preoccupied and got a little bored. Not a bad game, just wasn't feeling it at the time.

Well, then it must be fixed. It needs more porn.

He wasn't bitching and complaining, he was saying that you also have to account for memory card space when comparing the prices between the two different ways of purchasing the game.