Well, for one, a lot more people go to see the movies than read the books. Although, I have wanted to read them, just never got around to it, and right now I've got such a backlog of books I want to read its ridiculous anyways lol...
Well, for one, a lot more people go to see the movies than read the books. Although, I have wanted to read them, just never got around to it, and right now I've got such a backlog of books I want to read its ridiculous anyways lol...
I hate to be so critical of something that was obviously a labor of love, but with how much he's backed this up, it seems pretty bad.
But you were trying to imply that the game is bad because your friends aren't online to play with. That's your problem. Of course co-op is going to suck if you don't have a friend around to co-op with, that's kinda the whole point.
I agree with you. They're not good movies, but they're good at what matters: they're fun to chill out and watch when you wanna see a lot of shit die stylishly.
Sin City also had a story with much more mainstream appeal than RE, was directed by a high profile and generally awesome director (and had an even bigger director "guest direct" a scene), and had a ridiculous amount of stars in it (Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, etc). Plus comic book movies…
I agree. RE5 co-op was one of the most fun co-op times I've ever had, but when playing single player, Sheva was annoying and stupid.
Or you could do what I did: play co-op with *gasp* a friend!
I'm glad I found someone that agrees with me. Stop-and-aim is great in RE. It makes the location based shots easier and feel more natural, and it adds to the tension because you can't constantly kite them and run away.
Do you really think that Capcom wanted you to be able to run and shoot in RE5 but just couldn't figure out how? Really?
The controls aren't behind the times at all, they're intentionally made that way to get the feeling that they want.
Guys, just because this is called RE6 doesn't mean that they lied about doing a reboot. RE4 was as close to a reboot as you can get, the only things that really stayed the same were the characters and the title. It had a new combat system, new setting, and new enemies. They could be doing the same thing here.
Depends on the game. Most shooters I'll turn it up a notch since I play a lot of those and am pretty good, but action games and fighters and stuff I kinda suck at so I usually leave those on medium. Halo games I usually play through on Heroic first since that's the "intended" difficulty, and then I'll replay it on…
I'm a huge Xbox fan, but at least for me and people I know, they do indeed die a lot. I got the 120GB Elite the day they launched in 2007, mine RRoD'd in 2009 (the day I got Ninja Gaiden 2 =(
Nah, make it an endurance match. No kill limit, no in-game time limit, just a clock counting 24hrs of game time. They're allowed to call in a new player to take over every 6 hours or so to take over.
Forge World is really cool and I use it a bit, I even made my clan a "hangout" where we just fuck around for lolz. But they don't replace full, normal maps, especially in matchmaking where certain maps are subject to framerate issues (Asylum in particular). Forge World is awesome, but it just doesn't replace actual…
I for one loved ODST. Up there with CE as possibly best Halo campaign ever IMO.
I agree, too. As with Spiffy, I would say that my least favorite Halo if I were to pick now would be 2, but back then I loved it to death, and I still think it has the best map selection of any shooter ever (with the possible exception of Counter-Strike...).
Danza, while you're entitled to your opinion, why is it that if someone disagrees you assume he's a teenage who's never played Halo 1?
While you have your own opinion, I don't really see what you're saying here...
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