
My paint skills have elaborated on the sneaky method's they used to fool the public with their name.

My paint skills have elaborated on the sneaky method's they used to fool the public with their name.

I would like to know this, too... I already own all the MK games but it would be pretty sweet to have them on my 360...

Yeah, I'm not usually online that early, and I figured maybe noone who knew saw it so I'd try again.

Does anybody know what's up with the real life Retro Lancers that we can supposedly order along with Gears of War 3 at GameStop?

Does anybody know what's up with the real life Retro Lancers that we can supposedly order along with Gears of War 3 at GameStop?

Thank you so much for posting a clip from Story of Ricky. That movie is amazing XD

But then you can't play any games online, or use the marketplace... which most games on 360 are based on. =/

I don't get how you guys don't see it in the video... the reticule has the exact same little white angles showing you that you're getting hits that CoD does. You just see it less because guns in BF3 aren't as stupidly accurate as they are in CoD. You definitely see it several times during that video, though...

Eh, I don't really care, I barely have any time to game right now, but when I logged most of those hours I was unemployed and going to a community college, quite a bit of free time...

If this worked for my 360 I'd be on it, it looks sick, and I spend most of my time on PC, but I don't wanna drop 100 bucks on something that I can't even use for all of my games...

The second picture in the gallery is actually a video, even though it doesn't indicate that without actually clicking on it...

Yeah, I don't really get this. I had nearly 3,000 hours on my WoW account, where's my story.

And a vagina.

To all of the people saying, "but why sue for only 5000 dollars!", you need to read it a bit closer.

You misunderstood him. He didn't mean that the analogue sticks don't have click buttons, he meant that the actual buttons aren't analogue, as in, pressure sensitive.

The reason he might be playing so much isn't necessarily the game itself, but some other issue. I know that when I've gone through bad stages I have a bad habit of basically secluding myself and usually that involves burying myself in video games. However, I also didn't really realize it at the time when I was doing

It's called humor, I doubt that many people actually have that clip in their fap folder.

For me it goes Aliens > Alien >>>>> AvP:R > Alien 3 > AvP >>>>>> Alien Resurrection

They're not 10 years behind when they launch, with the exception of some crazy stuff (extreme resolutions mainly, like the people who connect 6+ displays to their PC), consoles are expected to be on par with PCs graphically when they launch, although they can do that with slightly less power due to the fact that games