
If you are doing mail in or absentee voting, and you are willing to drive a bit, drop your completed and signed ballot as early as possible at the post office closest to the county election commission. This will cut out most post office processing and any post office disruption.

One big ole garbage truck will block the street nicely.

Koolaide anyone?

The cake is a lie.

>>Burger King Is Leveraging Tesla Autopilot’s Confusion To Sell Whoppers

The Bolt is a nice car!  It commutes really well, It can do long distances and it’s a hoot to drive.  It’s a great little car which happens to be an EV.

One more thing. I gave it a good looking over and thought I was keeping my excitement in check.

I like it a lot. Not my first EV we are now a 2 EV family a Bolt was our first EV. I have enough room in the car. It drives very smooth and tracks better than any car that I have owned. I have taken it on a 500 mile trip so far and it is much better than the Bolt on the way of charging and software to plan the

I figure they screwed up and gave me a good one.

Took delivery on a Y last week.. The only issue was the cover over the 12v battery / filter area was loose. Other than that it was ok.

>>I love how in the picture on their website the license plate isn’t straight and the bumper is slightly off center.

> > Replace all golf karts with the Changli Freeman

>>Tough to get back though unless the wind changes.


Dude you rock

>> Tomorrow’s video will probably show rust.

Will it fit or will it Dangel?

I do the same. I always like to put my money in the pocket of someone in the community that I’m visiting.  

Nope Nope Nope.

Am I the only one thinking.... Hmmm now what about 220?