
I cannot stand Milo, but I must say the priapistic schadenfreude at his downfall is a bit OTT. The hate be real, yo.

And y'all also sound like a parody, y'all.

My comment was deleted. Perhaps an admin was triggered by my triggered rant?

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Virtue. Signal.


Americans fuck every remake.

The Front Bottoms, hey? Good to see Australian slang going global.

Those commie cliches were TRUE. Certainly the book the film is sourced from accurately evoked my own experiences of Soviet paranoia. To dismiss it as accurately conveying a sensibility you THINK is a mere cliche, is pure ignorance.

His vaccine views are insane, which is why it's incredible he has such sensible views on Islamofascism. Amiright?


Awful. And I understand they have been granted licence to take the fun out of the Borderlands franchise.

What a beoufhead.

My friend, that intro sequence is ON RAILS. It's very, very easy. You just push the analog stick until the cut scene. You should have given it another shot, because you diddled yourself out of a great gaming experience.

"and I quit The Last of Us in the prologue because I kept getting killed before I could get through *that*"

Overrated ordure. It will be raved about by everyone in need of social validation.

If you don't think that the views of Palestinian activists have any influence on the worldview of Michael Moore, then you wouldn't know shit from cold plum pudding. Cheers and THANKS for your cute rhetoric, which I found adorable!

We're done here because you say we're done here? Fuck you, you self-important weakling.

Now it's late here on my side of the world, so don't post anything until I come back tomorrow, okay? Okay.

This from the cerebral powerhouse who brought you "Conservative asshat".

Figure out that you're passive aggressive? Old news.