
Go on, post it again.

I don't resile from it, even if these conservative "asshats" that appear to upset you have said the same thing. The review is clearly branding by the author, so I'm sure he'll get a pat on the head and a biscuit for his loyal efforts.

I make no bones about it - I'm a libertarian. Clearly this makes you seethingly angry and turns you into a projectile poster. Please: publish more screeds with words like "asshat" and "Breitbart". It's your KPI around here.

Free and wide, like I said. Taki is one of many sites on BOTH sides of the aisle that I visit daily. I enjoy baiting the weirdos there as much as the smug weirdos here.

Is the corollary that those who choose the ethically good path in morally ambiguous games are a secret danger to society?

cf. your other post with lots of references to Breitbart.

I don't have anything to do with Breitbart. I bounced into that link from another site and, as I said, was appalled by that whole format. I thought Ireland acquitted herself well, considering.

It's also impossible to appreciate Moore's films unless you buy into his ideology. I saw Fahrenheit for the first time with 50 or 60 Palestinian college students and teachers, in. It was like an orgiastic, cheering, cathartic hate session for the USA. Not a dry eye in the house.

Of course Ham Rove thinks that. How could he/she think otherwise?

My point is that people now review along political lines on both sides of the aisle. So one side will get a war woody over their confirmation bias while the other will experience tribal revulsion. It's Manichean on both sides. That being the case, your statement that this is a "FILM review site, not a POLITICAL site"

I've not seen it but I have seen Michael Moore's documentaries and I was surprised at the glowing reviews THEY got. I wonder if the reception a political documentary receives is mostly dependent upon whether you agree with the politics of the documentary maker. Confirmation bias vs total tribal revulsion.

F? That bad? Really? Either that bad OR someone has just earned himself an invitation to a White House circle jerk.

This review must have been written by one of the numerous children who now constitute the scribbling classes of the online 4th estate. Mid twenties, at most. The movie was superb. A very dark, sombre comedy with stellar performances by the two leads and Jeff Goldblum. Some great cinematography (bokeh, bokeh, bokeh!)

Dude, that is AWESOME.

Your desire to win an argument based on my randomly-chosen avatar is so very cute. I love it. No, I meant to say: I ROVE it!

A much-loved humorous character assassination of an evil and murderous totalitarian dictator, versus a smug wink-wink self-hating racist generalization regarding all white males…

"You can’t go too wrong with John Cusack and Adrien Brody, as far as white people go"