
Justin wrote a tell-all song and spent nearly 20 years throwing shade at Britney over what turned out to be a lie he created.

“Not the worst thing” if LGBTQ+ people (and any mention of us) are wiped from social media? If it becomes literally illegal to talk about systematic racism or religious discrimination unless it can be 100% locked down to groups that can prove no children can be present or aware of the topic? If the social-media

He has never taken the high road though. Not with Janet, not with Britney. He’s addicted to the low road, at least as it pertains to women - which is par for the course for men in our society in general. 

Our national media fail to hold the GOP accountable for the fact that the GOP has no actual agenda or policy. They fully expect that Democrats won’t let their extreme policies happen. Their entire strategy is to propose the wackiest, most extreme ideas to the delight of their base, while counting on liberals to draw

Yr welcome. :)

Hey Bob, as an Iowan and a parent in Iowa Public Schools, maybe you can just stop talking about things you have no knowledge about and no stake in the outcome of. But that’s just my opinion, you can feel free to ignore it, since you are a free person.

So you’d have no problem with an all-propaganda-all-day approach to education? I mean, you’ve declared that there’s no problem with schools requiring totalitarian reactionary misinformation in classrooms — that’s clearly not a problem, after all, I’m sure you have unlimited time to reverse all the propaganda, and it’s

The hemotional men really don’t get that she could produce her own political film, sell it to the theatres, generate another box office hit.... and pick up another Golden Globe nomination.

Drinking Bud Lights while watching the NFL was the MAGA Netflix and Chill.

Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification.

The thing is, he probably would not hesitate to perform a lifesaving abortion on a prize cow. It is worth too much alive to let it die senselessly in the name of an imaginary woman-hating god.

Yup. From the link above:

Veterinarians do dog (and cat) abortions all the time. Someone should ask him how many he did as a veterinarian and how much he got paid for them because I’m sure he was a for-profit vet.

You don’t think her legal team did their due diligence at calculating the financial implications of Trump’s smear campaign about her? And it was backed up with enough evidence to hold up in court, dissected by Trump’s team? Why even question this, which was the point of the whole case? They had to quantify financial

he can’t appeal without paying a bond which should be 100% of the damages

He has to put it in escrow before he can appeal, so either he puts up, or shuts up.

Can’t wait till we have elected officials in some public hearing being informed by a very very tired gynecologist that a dog’s gestation period is 2 and a half months and a human’s is 9ish months so there are big developmental differences between dogs and humans at 14 weeks ...

I am eternally mind-blown that my parents got their papers in 1969/70 in a matter of months, yet think it’s perfectly reasonable our Venezuelan friends went through a 14 year struggle plus attorney fees to get theirs...

“[Thing X] should be banned unless it personally helps me, in which case [Thing X] should still be banned but I should get an exemption” is so on brand for the gop that this shouldn’t even be news any more.

How many e-mails do you think this guy got today about saying the quiet women-as-livestock part out loud?