
So we all know what’s going on. Biden expresses support for Israel publicly and ships them weapons, while urging that they respect the rules of war. Behind the scenes, his State Department is trying to cool things down and negotiate an end to this. Quite frankly, after Oct 7, that’s the best situation the Palestinians

Trump cut $200M in aid to Palestine after the PLO wouldn't join his peace talks. The Republicans didn't care then and I can't imagine that they will now. 

For fuck’s sake, not everything is about Gaza and abortion rights in the US are are already threatened enough, the issue doesn’t need to be held hostage by the war in Gaza.

It has a parallel universe where Barbies are alive. It's a fantasy movie.

Sure lets set it in early 2000's in NYC.

Please never speak about economics ever again. Take a look at how much the net worth of the 20 richest Americans increased over the last couple years. It’s corporate profits driving inflation, not soccer moms buying extra water bottles for their kids.

It reminds me of when Bill Cosby kicked Lisa Bonet off the Cosby show because she did a movie with nudity after he forbade her from doing it.

Good lord, he looks like Kirkland's James Spader!

If only there was a song about a Spaceman who was missing what he left behind on earth that the movie Spaceman could use about being a Spaceman. 

No, I get it. I read somewhere that the show is like a workplace comedy but the workplace happens to be a pirate ship. And it is a beautiful ending for Ed and Stede. I’m just not ready to let the characters go. I’m selfish, OK? :-D

As I stated in another comment, someone has to avenge Izzy, though. I want to see the crew under Zheng take on Richard. Also I love Zheng and want to watch a show about her.

Alan Ritchson as Shran”

I’m so glad that a series that was founded in the ideal of moving forward is now exclusively moving backwards.

Someone on Twitter — maybe Gail Simone? — summed up the look as Bibleman meets Heroic Trio, and that sounds about right.

I just hope it’s exposed before Bibi drags us into a war with Iran.

Women of the GOP are insanely disconnected with the current reality of their party. They don’t care if the men are misogynists because they believe the men won’t be misogynistic towards them. Kind of the way way racists always tell one black person that “they’re one of the good ones

It seems like all Disney really did here was go “can you have The Doctor show up earlier?” and leave the rest to RTD. All the actual stuff in the scene came from him.

Wasn’t the note just to show the doctor sooner? They didn’t instruct on adding this specific scene or even when/where/how exactly it needed to happen.