
It will “put the issue to rest” in WI in exactly the same way that the Ohio GOP immediately recognized that the people had spoken and moved on to other things like governing for the BENEFIT of the people.

Or heavily armed folks suffering from mental illness.

And if it’s the case that they’re obligated to check out accusations.....what’s stopping anyone from complaint-bombing the police with accusations toward the reich-wingers in that town?  Tell ‘em you think they’ve got pornographic material that they’re showing kids, all sorts of stuff, but you don’t want to leave your

Police say that they were obligated to open the probe into the school upon receiving a complaint about Gender Queer

Eh, they still waited for the convictions before pulling this trigger. I suspect it also makes it easier because there aren’t any of the upcoming features he’s filmed yet. So they have the ability to recast (especially given how Loki established that different variants can have different appearances) without it

But he’s Black Manta! Don’t cross the streams!!!

Or, y’know, just do fun movies that are largely self-contained and not designed to set up a multipart crossover epic.

“...Anna Holmes and Jennifer Gerson and Jessica Coen and Rich Juzwiak and Jia Tolentino and Julianne Escobedo Shepherd and Joanna Rothkopf and Clover Hope and Laura Bassett and Susan Rinkunas.”

“Learn to Code” - A phrase almost exclusively uttered by people who either: 1) can barely navigate an iPhone settings menu or 2) can technically code, but only ever submit garbage that has to be cleaned up or discarded by people who are actually good at coding.

Take the coding classes anyway. Use it as an opportunity to network and start talking to women in tech. We need more people to talk about the STEM career drop off for women.

Very excited. As an older person that has loved this site, it has taught me things that were unfortunately normal for my Gen X self, shouldn’t be normal. So, I get where you are coming from with “What do I read now”.

But the Script didn’t even make it sound weird or Gross.

You know what’s an excellent movie/performance of his that always gets underlooked? Working Girl.

I interpreted it as “the same car that Max was chained to as a blood bag”.

I get the impression he does not like repeating himself, and is also pushing himself to embrace new ways of filmmaking and new technology.

That forest was established in Fury Road we know it won’t survive.


Ask him about same-sex marriage.

It would be great if the trailers and posters for the film made mention of Scottish writer and artist Alasdair Gray, on whose book of the same name Poor Things is adapted from. This is one of the few places I’ve seen the source material being referenced.