
FYI: JK Simmons is 70 years old and a jacked up beast for 70! He’s definitely holding his own for his age next to Chris (43) and Dwayne (52).

Everything is politics, mate. Not talking politics and just doing entertainment in a show is taking a political stance, just like say, Elon Musk shutting Ukraine out of Starlink to prevent getting involved in the conflict is him taking a stance in the conflict.

I think it’s because this season is possibly the least subtle season of television since maybe Star Trek’s barely-veiled takes on racism against, like, green aliens (which to be fair, a lot of people are now just accusing Star Trek of being “woke.”) The Boys has always been like this, but they’re barely changing the

The same people who accuse Rage Against the Machine of “going woke.”

They’re just terrified that the playing field could be leveled at some point and they’d lose their preferential status on the planet. They’ve been gaming the refs for years, and any marginalized voice finally being given some airtime means they’re being oppressed. So sad.

After watching Ruby Sunday:
My Wife: “Well that cliffhanger is unacceptable.”
Me: “I can do something about that. Interested?”
She: “Sure. What’cha got?”
Me: **Fires up Pyramids of Mars** “I got BACKSTORY!”

It’s less ‘just figuring it out’ and more ‘unable to overlook that particular element anymore’. The show started off with ‘Eric Kripke and the writers room hate conservatives’ as a clear undertone, became a loud overtone, and is basically now the premise of the show. And as they get more vocal about their opinions (to

Cool your jets! When you have the head of a major political party compaining about how “Prosecuted” he is, and using it to try to get in the whitehouse a second time, and him being one who is the focal point of a lot of fascists in the US today, being clear that it is not about Prosecution is really important.

Ding ding ding. Got it in one. Overlong, pretentious, culturally appropriative, and the product of the emotional/psychological abuse of its stars. God I hate this film. The source comic is great though.

Cannes is a weird crowd, and one I’m not a big fan off. One of my Top 5 worst movie ever won the Cannes Palme D’or.

Very cool review, except ... I’ve only seen this trailer so far, which seems to feature Hemsworth a lot. But “his accent is weird” seems a strange reading of an Australian actor in an ultra-Australian saga by an Australian director.

I would love to see a George Miller Thor (or Ghost Rider?) movie. I remember him being tapped to do a Justice league movie eons ago and after seeing Fury Road and hearing about this, I can only imagine what he would have done with DC’s heroes. 

I still remember early on before the movie came out where there was that theory Cumberbatch was going to be playing a version of Gary Mitchell who got away and the crew was tracking him back to Earth to stop him. That could have been so much more interesting and wouldn’t have required much of a change in the script

“Well casted + good production design + incoherent plot” sums up all JJ Abrams

No, Into Darkness’s biggest mistake was the misdirection about Khan’s identity. Everyone knew who Cumberbatch was playing long before the movie came out, but they insisted on the stupid misdirect that wasn’t really a misdirect. You want to make a movie about Khan, just say you’re making a movie about Khan.

I guess I’m not sure what needed to be addressed. Clint lost his family and lost his shit. He started cutting a swath through the criminal underworld, including doing things that he’d later regret. As Marshall pointed out, they dealt with that in the show, which I think was quite good and one of the better MCU TV

Hulk, Thor, and Dr. Strange are overpowered too, but for some reason being overpowered is only a problem for people when Carol’s around.

Captain America straining to get to his feet after Thanos has destroyed his shield and still resolving to fight and then his rallying cry of “Avengers assemble” is hands down my favorite moment of all the Avengers movies.

Just give us interesting characters and good stories.

Oh, so A Spy’s Guide to Survival is what happened to Pierce Brosnan’s character from Remington Steele after his stint as a MI6 agent? Pretty cool!