Eagle Vision

That he was able to “surrender himself” rather than “get beaten to death while fighting for oxygen” pretty much says it all.

I believe those odds run from “absolutely” to “complete certainty.”

How much ya wanna bet the police treat this guy very respectfully and gently and don’t use any unnecessary force on him?

You know what? I say go for it. Do nothing but one-shots. Draw from the characters’ histories, but draw from whatever version of those histories you need to, and do it in an accessible way.

Because, as much as I do get a bit of a dopamine rush from understanding sprawling continuities like Earth 616 and the MCU, when I

I know they didn’t want to be accused of plagiarizing Marvel’s template, but if they had, would anyone have cared at this point?

DC and Warner Bros. are doing a fantastic job providing an example of how to royally screw up a cinematic universe.

Yes, but they’re usually not too bright. Shocker, I know.

Watching Vice News, I was confused why a nazi/white supremacist would have an Asian tattoo. Don’t they hate everybody?

I was born a snake handler and I’ll die a snake handler.

Nazism is NOT a choice!

I think having the freedom to be able to express these views online, with ALL CAPS IF NECESSARY has given a lot of these clowns a false sense of where we are in terms of what we will accept in the real world. They´ve been living in their blinkered Stormfront world where everybody agrees, they go to Breitbart for what

“Wait, you mean the multiple felonies I’ve bragged about longing to commit in the service of a cause that everyone hates causes actual legal consequences when I commit said felonies and makes everyone hate me?!” Who’d have fuckin thunk?

It’s gonna take some time to get used to looking at the right side of my screen when I’m at the Kinja AVClub.

Remember when this idiot gave out his phone number? Like how dumb can you be?

“I didn’t realize publicly calling for the deaths of millions of people would make me so hated.”

Good. Let ‘em experience a little slice of the terror that minorities, women, and LGBT+ folks have felt nearly every day for countless centuries. He at least has the luxury of choosing NOT to be a fucking Nazi.

For “being on the coast”, there’s a real lack of “coast” to be seen.

That’s true at the poles, but not for the entirety of Antarctica.

I’m the best at parties, if the party involves pointing out the plotholes in movies.

Soo~, they manage to f*ck-up a hide and seek game?