
Cold Air Intakes:

Hybrid’s, brought on by the auto companies themselves.

Chevy Cavalier.

This is my dream.

“What the shit is this? Waaaay to many miles. Gonna need at least another $100,000 off.”

Hey, this is pretty cool. The most fun missions for me on GTA V were the ones where you could enter buildings. R* made such a good work with the design of this game that there’s a lot of buildings i look and think “i wish i could enter that place”, then i run into the door and it’s just a wall, it’s kinda

Everything about this is just gross. And I mean everything. The contest, the attack, the injuries, the loss of life (always shitty even if justified)

I’m actually more amused at how many people keep trying to spin this into a “win” for whichever side of the aisle they root for.

diesel engines to electric alternators to drive electric motors were the ones Porsche actually built, but they caught fire during testing as power management tech of the day wasn't up to snuff.

707 is my autocross number for that very reason!

I belive the biggest issue with big rigs would be the infrastructure to charge these rigs. The amount of electricity that would be needed to charge these rigs would probably be comprable to the amount of electricity a residential home would use in a day. Now let's say that one small town like mine (Dayville CT), we

Not related to the Tesla/Porsche thing, but related to electric infrastructure in general: Wouldn't the best driver for electric technology be big rigs? They need torque, have plenty of room for batteries, and have to be still for at least 10 hours (I don't know the regs, but I know drivers are required to rest) a day.

Call it the 707 so when Orlove drives it we can all L0L.

anyone else think its amazing that Tesla is already the target? It Toyota or Hyundai a lot longer to get that kind of respect through fear.