
You’re right. That was basically the bargaining chip they held over the other school’s heads.

One thing I’ll never understand... why every female on the planet seems to think it best to take a photo with enormous sunglasses on. Like... why? Is that how you want to remember this photo by? You have a face mostly obscured by something that is not part of you.

In what world ISN’T that bullying? The reporter is in a lose-lose situation. He has no way to win. Harbaugh gets to play the “I’m a tough football coach, yo. GTFO here with that shit,” act. The reporter has none of that luxury. He has to just sit back and take it at the risk of appearing “unprofessional.”

dafuq? That’s exactly WHY it’s a courtesy.

That’s actually a pretty dumb explanation. The reason guys are pulled after trades is a courtesy to the receiving team, so the player doesn’t come down with some fluke, last minute injury. Sparing a guy a few innings playing for his current team for the last time isn’t really that big of a fucking deal... like, at all.

That game was epic. Absolutely riveting stuff.

They’re not refusing a game at all. NCAA bylaws require you to have 12 members before you can hold a title game.

Yes and no. If you’re putting it on a profit and loss sheet, the money coming in from ESPN for the deal is pretty sweet. But an argument can be made that the school is losing out on top-tier talent that it once brought in by the bus-load because their games aren’t always easy to find on the national networks like they

But, not really. Nobody is paying the LHN for spots on Olympic sports. Those are likely “throw-in” spots for advertising on football and basketball games, and even pre-game shows.

This is a great point. Should Wal-Mart be sued for refusing to make a Confederate Flag cake? Or an ISIS cake?

Yeah, you keep making broad sweeping comparisons as if that somehow trivializes the amount of attention this got.

You don’t think multiple articles on Deadspin and other assorted sites, along with the comments about how awful Costas is isn’t just a BIT disproportionate? Seriously... it wasn’t THAT bad. No, he didn’t get fired, but that’s not the point. You don’t have to get fired for it to become a bit over the top.

Except, I’ve watched those too, at least the games involving the U.S. It’s been a comedy of errors.

That’s fair. I’ve seen a few U.S. matches, and they’re comedy of errors hasn’t been much better though.

Have to agree. I’m a guy that just recently started watching soccer this year, and enjoy watching the top-flight European matches. I mean no disrespect to the women’s game, but it’s entirely unexciting.

dafuq? Do you even English?

I was at first. But the absolute onslaught of books left me in its backwash years ago. I kept up for awhile, then the NJO came along and released a bazillion books that were mostly uninspired. So ultimately, I'm kind of happy that we'll have something that's going to actually be monitored this time around so we don't

What is this VHS quality shiiiiiiit? I can't even see where anyone's positioned.


Except if that's actually there for comedic purposes, it's the dumbest fucking joke of all time.