“As it turns out, the tiny glass bulbs resting on your paintwork have a habit of flapping about in the wind while you’re driving, covering some cars in tiny scratches.”
“As it turns out, the tiny glass bulbs resting on your paintwork have a habit of flapping about in the wind while you’re driving, covering some cars in tiny scratches.”
Only 1/3 did. 1/3 voted against and 1/3 decided they didn’t care enough to bother.
One might also take this thought - anyone who is driving around could be a potential murderer. Best to stop and detain them all on the grounds they might do something later.
They cannot arrest the car, presuming they even find it. This is a criminal violation that needs to be against the driver. If they lose sight of the car for even a little bit the occupants can bail out or, if the car is found later, they owners can claim they don’t know who was driving, or that it was stolen.
Gifting the sales staff with a 10 pound bag of Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears would be more appropriate.
Instead of weasel words, just be clear -
I think the 45th “and then there’s a fee for this” is what does the damage, particularly after the 44th “no” to decline whatever cash grab 5000% markup item is offered.
She found a glitch in the Matrix.
Missouri also used the SSN as an identifier.
I expect the problem is that they purchase data through a broker and that data is stale. For in-state plates they will have up-to-date information, but for the rest of the country? They don’t need to care when no arrest is made.
Have a look https://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/HP68/search.jsp
Collisions go up - deaths go down.
Having sat in a Missouri municipal courtroom to see what the red light cameras were doing, the majority were issued because the drivers did not stop before reaching the wide white line, though most stopped after, while doing the “right on red” turn. Mainly a technical foul rather than a dangerous one.
Ducted fish motors?
Imagine not noticing the front of the truck going up and the rear going down.
Normally that seating would include the fishing rod pocket and a gimballed beer can holder, plus the harness to stabilize the rod holder when the marlin started fighting.
Anything can be reused if enough effort goes into it. Just whittle away anything that isn’t the rotary engine.
Water pipes produce little elemental lead when the water company uses anti-corrosives to keep the water from dissolving those pipes - both the lead pipes and the iron and copper pipes.
It doesn’t really ward off starvation - it allowed populations to expand until they met the next constraint. In the US and Asia that is going full speed towards wars over water. Add in the extra people burning more fossil fuel and accelerating climate change and it is definitely going to get to the big squeeze sooner.
All that is required is for businesses to shift the operating hours.