
As others have noted, cops are habitual; they also need a spot where they will not be readily seen and that drastically limits the places they can hide.

Yes and nope. There is a rural area I used to drive through quite a bit and they had this. 65->35 or so.

VW used to use the exhaust to provide heat to the car - never any problems with leaking heater cores and very fast access to hot air. And you knew when the car filled with exhaust fumes that it was time to replace the exhaust and to keep the windows down until you did. Since the engines had no coolant, using a heater

I can see a 100,000% increase in tire and wheel thefts with that tax. 

He is not stupid. He believes his constituents are, correctly as they keep voting for him. 

That landing reminds me of the Thunderbirds - “The Thunderbirds are Go!”

And 18 actual crashes, which is more than Trump has had under his watch. But you know, culty people gotta cult for the cult, especially after losing.

My relatives grew up in Louisiana and then moved to Nebraska. One of them, making a visit to New Orleans, decided to take home a bag of Spanish Moss as a decoration and reminder of their childhood. While they may not have chiggers in Spanish Moss, they do have mites, which promptly exploded across their home after

The car makers are famous for not updating the apps on their cars, why would they update an app for a phone they don’t sell?

This just moves failure by obsolescence from the car electronics to the cell phone. If the maker of the phone OS decides to close a vulnerability or removes a feature the car comms depend on that cuts communication with the car and the owner’s use of the car is done for. Many years on some phones is 5. 

Until they find a way to prevent people cutting catalytic converters from underneath cars, I am less worried that someone will do any other screwing around. From what I see on Pine Hollow and South Main, letting dealers have sole access isn’t a working option. 

Getting to stroke some pussy as part of a flight is a new avenue for revenue.

The crew discovered the car as they were boarding passengers ...

Worse. This has to do with making government fail to function so government itself is eliminated. This to “prove” that government is corrupt and leaving only Trump and the oligarchs in control of America.

Yes. Make the Navy Yard parking problem into a Metro parking problem.

A variety of Fox News sources? I mean, in office I knew some people running other businesses. One was coordinating a lawn care business and another was arranging real-estate deals, this was 3 decades ago.

Car pools, better use of bus routes. People will eventually adjust but just firing up a huge portion of an organization’s operation without planning is so Trumpian. 

Let’s not forget that the feeder bus routes have likely been cut back due to ridership loss due to work from home. The Metro light rail isn’t within short walking distance of every place in the Virginia and Maryland suburbs.

It would be unsafe to operate a car without a warranty, so the cars will shut down if the warranty is not current.

He -admits- to driving a Fiat. Which may be worse.