
Was in a Karmann Ghia, top down, in the winter. Plenty of hot air blowing off the exhaust to stay warm with the winter coat. 

This vehicle, in particular, was a product of Musk’s vision for what a truck should be. The gap between them is narrow.

At least with a Cybertruck he’s not able to roll coal. And that hurdle is very, very low.

In the couple of trips I made to Massachusetts I didn’t really notice any level of hostility, even for my slow-poke driving style, except for one cab driver who wanted me to hurry along.

He disagrees with the message carried by the sticker. 

He’s not getting a third term. He’s looking at making this one permanent. 

The egg price increase had nothing to do with economic policy and was driven by the way egg production is done that is very vulnerable to a single disease sweeping through it. It isn’t the first time an essentially mono-culture got obliterated or just heavily damaged by a single pathogen or environmental change.

The little girl, the patient on that flight, had been released an hour or so before from specialized medical care to applause and celebration from the hospital staff over her recovery to the trip home.

I bought a new car once. Clear coated. Come out the very next morning and found bird poop. Washed immediately. It had already eaten through the clear coat. Waiting doesn’t matter. Worse. I started off religiously washing and waxing. Rain would bead up and, mostly, run off. Except when it didn’t run off. The beads

For general aviation, GA, the average has been one death per day. That has been maintained for decades, over even short periods of time.

The hit is from about 4-5 feet high, unmitigated, onto his face onto solid pavement. Some lowering of the forces on the brains from padding in the helmet. Not what I would want to be paid to do. Like hey we will dangle your face over the anvil from 5 feet high and, yeah you can wear a helmet, and then we cut the rope

Wait until you find out what the a-bomb testing did to people.

I think the bridge had a thin film of wet ice on it.

Ever seen what a loaded dump truck can do to a stopped car? I recall a wreck where the collision crushed the car so badly the doors could not open, leaving the injured inside to be burned to death from the ruptured fuel tank. It’s a gamble and getting out of the target zone would be my priority. 

Almost certainly a case where the bridge was at 1º below freezing and everywhere else was still warm enough not to freeze. They could have spent hours driving without any loss of traction until getting to this. Nothing would clue them in that the bridge had ice on it until it was too late.

Long ago I reviewed year’s worth of Missouri state fatalities. It took little time to be able to determine which occupants died just from the vehicle descriptions.

There was no carnage and the guy wasn’t going after anyone. As it was, no one had stopped him for a long distance and he didn’t harm anything.

He wasn’t interested in doing harm. Or he was really bad at it. He didn’t find a residential area to destroy houses or go to a shopping center to rampage inside of it.

What do they think that mass of police cars will do that a single car cannot?

The man Musk targeted didn’t risk anything. He spent time outside the cave jawing with the press because he could speak English and was not involved with entering the cave to perform the rescue. That guy had suggested that Musk endangered the children and that Musk should kill himself after several governments gave