
There is a road near me that has a tough left turn onto the vertical part of the T intersection. It’s tough because on-coming traffic is nearly relentless and it can take a while for a break to happen. So MoDOT made it a 3-way stop intersection. Even though the new stop signs were clearly visible the number of

I would prefer crosswalks protected by retractable bollards, the sort used to stop semis from entering nuclear power plant operations.

Would it help? The law already is to stop for anyone in the crosswalk. Would another law to stop at a stop sign for someone in the cross walk help or would it just increase the number of rear-endings when drivers stop for the stop sign when no one is there and the following car sees there is no one and doesn’t figure

AM bands typically are longer wavelengths, which don’t fit into tiny cell phone antennas. To make it more compact a large chunk of ferrite can help, but it doesn’t do it all. The radio reception for tiny receivers use the headphone as the antenna, but that’s not necessarily the right length to be properly tuned.

Such mixed feelings. Starlink is a great thing, to be sure.

For burns I am unsure how much more the crew could have done. The damage and the majority of the heat are released in a minute or less. After that it’s a matter of avoiding infection and pain management for the next several weeks to months. If there is scarring, it can mean a lifetime of scar tissue care.

Are you replying to https://jalopnik.com/1851652057

I’ve seen other events where the pressure control door breaker was pulled for on-ground maintenance and somebody forgot to click it back on. It is almost certainly something that a maintainer screwed up and not a design or production problem. 

This story made the major networks due to the fact that passengers were found to have ruptured eardrums and bleeding from the nose, likely due to blown out restricted sinuses. They didn’t lead with Boeing. Apparently a similar failure, but without the damage, happens about a half-dozen times a year. 

The airport is at 4,000 feet, I think. 

Now playing

I have loved open pit mining trucks ever since seeing them dwarfed by the wheel-bucket excavators.

There are some vehicles that weigh more than that which would be fine. It’s just not fine for a heavy co-player of a truck.

is an inspired typo.

They are supposed to deliver a train system. That includes rail and trains. Getting only the rail without train won’t fulfill the contract and no one will start building track without a train to be on it. 

The Titan sub was never found. Some disconnected pieces that used to be part of the sub were found. AFAIK no parts of the carbon fiber cylinder making up the hull were recovered.

He’s lucky he didn’t pit maneuver himself, but good job. Perhaps it’s time to put hands-on-wheel detectors on cars that aren’t self-driving to pull the power if there is no one steering. 

The truck driver volunteered to do damage to his own truck. That the insurance company is off the hook for whatever might have happened is some consideration, but I think the same Good Samaritan protection against things gone bad also prevents collecting on damages to himself.  

Yes. Philando Castille did everything right and a cop sprayed Philando’s brains all over his girlfriend and her 4 year old daughter, because the cop could not figure out a way to use words.

Reassure your cousin that those who are going to kill a cop kill them outright. They will already have the gun in hand before the cops walks up and will rapidly pop the door and start shooting as they see the cop alongside or wait for the cop’s face to appear at the window. A friend of mine lost a relative who was

If it were a CT the baby could tear it’s own way out.