
To be fair, plenty of people died when the brakes in the Pinto were inadequate, or like my wife nearly died, because Ford failed to install a rear axle seal correctly and the one brake baked out everything but the tar converting the car into a Smuggler’s braking system. They look at every single part to determine the

This is why rolling down a window before getting out is a good plan. Every time I need to leave the key in the car to do any sort of service the driver’s  window gets rolled down.

It’s just a matter of unbolting parts from the old frame and bolting them to the new frame; a similar process as was done in the factory. Electrical cables are likely the most annoying. 

It’s both knowing and having confidence that the knowing is right. I expect a bunch of people know, but are nervous about getting it wrong and so they won’t. Their brains just black out over the fear of blowing up the battery and they can’t come back to thinking about how simple it really is.

Eh, a lot of non-politician professionals get elected to the House of Representatives, it’s just the mouthy morons that attract the most attention. The Senate, on the other hand, is going to have a ton of back-stabbing lawyers who haven’t filled their own gas tank in decades. 

I cannot backtrack the entire sequence but it certainly looks like that car spent a while completely airborne. There’s what looks like a splash of dirt that the car must have scooped up after hitting the curb that was slammed loose, marking the original touch-down location before the car spun off to its final stopping

You can never be the person you were on a path to be. You may be someone else who is OK, but will never be the same. Think Olympic level runner losing their legs at the knees and becoming a Paralympic runner. Once on a path for a gold medal and product endorsement contracts and then just the satisfaction of winning

I would have been tempted, upon seeing the bottles, to put him and the vehicle right back the way I found them.

Lawyers don’t typically want to blame anyone. They have a paying client and the lawyer’s job is to get the best legal outcome for that client.

Perhaps they need the weight equivalent of the warning beam for over-height vehicles - a lane wide plate, one axle long, with a 3000 pound preload over spikes. Exceed the weight and the plate is pushed down and the tires get impaled on the spikes. Just a couple of inches of travel and, if the spikes are appropriately

NASA outsources all the missions. The only difference is NASA mission control, but the majority of items NASA manages are built by private contractors, right down to the space suits.

On satellite launches losing boosters and satellites is just a cost.

Sure. That’s what they say. Was it a pinky swear? 

There are two ways this can go.

I have seen videos of the detailed work that bears do. Likely the seat was no longer one piece; probably the tracks parts of the seat were still bolted in place, just no longer attached to the seat frame. 

It’s either - peel the laminated glass or shatter the tempered glass with a spring loaded center punch. Not really much to do to stop this until the glass is over 1/2 inch thick with a polycarbonate center.

How do you aim them to be at the factory road height instead of shining directly through the rear windows of every car and SUV ever made? Aiming doesn’t fix that the dash of the car or SUV can end up brighter than a sun lit day blowing out night vision adaptation and causing night-blindness. Oh, I should look away

It’s more obvious to consider that the Cybertruck is an aluminum casting and the F-150 is cold-work hardened steel. Had the F-150 used cast-iron in that thin section to maintain weight it would have also done poorly. A unibody in cold-worked steel will crumple, maybe tear, but it won’t shatter like castings do.

The energy is absorbed in the chemical reactions which are very efficient. I had some C-size NiCads that would absorb a couple of Watts for nearly an hour and remained cool to the touch.