Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down ...
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down ...
Just because the U.S. taxpayer would get ...ummm ... by a huge train project doesn’t mean they would be ...ummm... literally.
Once they get a taste for carrot they cannot be stopped.
Putting a turbo is adding more parts to go wrong and more ways to go wrong with.
The air transport industry will fail to act until a few hundred people are killed.
Grandpa Munster, and that would be an insult to Grandpa Munster.
Same outcome, but thanks for the Snopes.
The loader shown with the wheels in the air is the second loader, the one going after the thief. No cars are surrounding the thief before that. Maybe you are seeing a different video than the rest of us. I see all tires on the ground. Hit play to get to the timestamp.
Neeson gets tired of it when Neeson is no longer getting paid.
He may have 10 hours of fuel on board.
Construction equipment is designed to keep operators safe during situations far worse than this. Rolling down hills or having concrete structures collapse on them, for example.
The equipment names in the China video are wrong, but the battle is similar.
OK - as long as they are also 2 miles away.
Headphones and a blindfold would keep him from hearing or seeing all those people who are so mean to him, but a police escort alone will not. As usual, I expect he hasn’t thought this through.
Deadspin got rid of writers. Anything is possible in Fellers Field.
Span Feller. That is, one who fells spans. It fits with the actions to take out a bridge between news and participants.
Comments are gone from Kotaku.
Welcome to Maritime Law, where rules centuries old were written to protect shippers from economic harm.
That was patched with a large pile of dirt, 100 times easier than this is going to be.