
If they were on the radio with the crew, there would have been time and it would have been close, but I think the bridge operators didn’t have radio contact (or cell phones, if anyone could hear above the paving work.)

This was around the top speed of most tugs, so they would barely be keeping up, much less being able to push. 

Spirit has a full time team of workers at Renton. Spirit has their own quality system and their own inspectors at Renton.

Yeah, it cools at around 5000 feet, so no doubt the main factor is to get the food into the mile high club first.

He can co-star with Sorbo.

You are likely to remain in a continuous downwind plume of infectious material of anyone infected, even if they aren’t to the point of exhibiting notable symptoms; this was seen as the cause of numerous core events at restaurants and among choir members.

Boeing identified badly installed rivets and returned the job of replacing them to Spirit. By the “rules” the fuselage had not been accepted by Boeing and was Spirit’s problem to deal with. Boeing never does anything to that door on their factory floor and has no process to deal with it. 

That task was almost certainly done by Spirit Aerosystems workers as part of their reworking the rivets. Spirit Aerosystems identified three contract workers they hired as the ones who did the rivet re-work. It is possible they, in turn, asked for help from other contract workers.

None of the weekend roundup seem to offer commenting.

He had an actual boarding pass, apparently for a flight that was overbooked, and was screened for weapons. This isn’t a TSA failure. This is a technology failure that allows duplication of a QR code by a moron with a phone to use as a boarding pass. 

In DC there are traffic circles that often enough had a lawn decoration consisting of a car missing the suspension. Just need to dial in the decorative stone work appropriately so the vehicle skids to a stop on its belly. I think a large water feature with a 12 inch deep pond over most of it might also be a help.

I always add soap flakes so Cilantro lovers don’t feel left out.

The wings are always in the same place. It’s the seats that vary in location.

The sad part is if he had called from his home or hotel and told his company that he was drunk, they would have diverted him to an alcohol treatment program and, on successful completion, he would still have a job. I think those diverted to addiction treatment programs still get some salary; not sure about the

Bummer of a typo in the headline.


Do you think she’ll have a shot at early parole? 

She did load it with live ammunition and she failed to check properly that it was only dummy rounds. Not sure why the prosecution didn’t present these as clearly inseparable events.

That was as far from “making out” as possible. It was rape by a person with telekinesis.

Cop on cop violence is like a bum fight without the ethical problems.