
Yup. Entropy guarantees that all events are thermal events, eventually.

He was looking the other way because he knows other bicyclists ride just like he does. /s

Yeah - but this was when all of them were not so good. Imagine getting one that was a standout from that field.

Too often people with dementia only recall things from decades ago. They can tell what happened in high school, but not what they had for breakfast.

Typical fuel fires have a traceable cause that vehicles can be inspected for, often improperly installed fuel line fittings. Many of the electrical vehicle fires are traceable to having batteries, which isn’t a boost in confidence.

Engine testing cannot discover supplier sourced defects. It could be as simple as a missed step in heat-treating a component, it might be a single location in a heat-treat oven doing a batch. If the problem is over a small number of bad parts even random selection inspection won’t find it. Full destructive testing

This is the advantage of NOTAR and enclosed tail-rotor designs.

If that employee slips on a pebble then the insurance company looks and says - he’s on a federally controlled illegal drug and the company ownership gets hit with the million dollar cost. And if that slip is at the controls of a fork-truck and it crushes or kills someone - so long company.

It might be an allision. Next up - jetsam vs flotsam.

Haha. Harrison was in one crash because an internal part in a 40 -60 year old carburetor failed. He later lined up on a taxiway but didn’t hit anyone or come close to doing so. It funnier to suggest they had a Tesla autopilot.

It was “high rate of speed” that was the issue.

Yet. Aside from truck stations where trucks are inspected and drivers checked. So they already have that in place.

I think the model is simple - allow anyone to file a civil suit against anyone who traveled out of state for an abortion. Think: nosy neighbor gets to cash in on a guaranteed payout and, because it’s not the government infringing the rights the result is a shotgun blast of costly legal responses.

Get within a few blocks, take a taxi or an Uber.

Umm - that’s what religion always is. Sometimes it appears to take a break, but it doesn’t take long to get back to the true purpose.

Great job. What chemicals do they use to absorb the CO2?


See http://www.explorerexhaustsettlement.net/media/3425041/tsb17-0044.pdf

As I recall they ended the exhaust pipe just before the rear bumper cover, not allowing for the fact that the hot gases would expand outward and some would be deflected by the cover into the rear area of the car.

Something is missing - it doesn’t matter how long it takes for a truck to clear US border inspection when this is about going the other way and clearing Mexican border inspection.