
The crash was weeks later and was likely the 3rd or more transfer. The fact is that a person comfortable with stealing cars got away cleanly.

GPS tracking and helicopters are so rare as to be non-existent. They aren’t reliable at all.

They still do it here, with a good chance that the vehicle that strikes an innocent person and kills them is the police. Of course California has a lot more people and a lot more freeways, so I expect them to have a lot more chances.

Yup. It was 20F outside and they were warming it up while making trips.

Only if the police knew it was. And that the people who did it were still in it. Not if they had simply rolled a stop sign or weren’t wearing a seatbelt or some other non-felony violation, which is how many of the high-speed chases start. By the time the plate is seen again that vehicle is likely to have changed hands

“There are various methods for catching fleeing suspects without a chase, like GPS tracking, helicopter tailing or mas[s] alert texts”

It doesn’t matter how long it could take when they don’t do it.

In other words, exactly the same as every industry. But we know that the money isn’t going to investment in drilling.

Mostly a case that most commercial aircraft fill the underside section with luggage, not electronics and countermeasures.

Apple does. Over $200 Billion. Alphabet - around $170 Billion.

Not sure I care about what happens to companies that mismanage their wealth. Sounds like some were being bled to death by their investors and so I don’t care, but right now the market is simply manipulating the situation to bleed consumers to death.

Simple - In America whatever happens to you is your fault. Rich? You did it yourself. Poor. Your fault. Sick? You deserve it. Arrested? Must have done something.

I was referring to the sales guys and their work vehicles.

Hasn’t stopped the USA from doing just that in the past. In fact, for us little people, it’s enshrined as “Civil Asset Forfeiture.” The compensation for Japanese internment victims was laughably small. So - send them $1. Done. Legal. 

Like they ask of poor people, they should have had some money put away in case of bad times.

That’s 22 mile per day, each way. 5 days is 110 mile trip, each way. 10 days is 220 mile trip, each way.

They are gas motions.

“there is a series of gears inside there, and they are smart enough to figure out how to manipulate the gears”

Pips; for God’s sake it is full of pips.

Solar powered cars would be neat. This just gets energy to power the car from the solar cells which are nowhere near the sun.