
Just go full Jalop: Mercedes-AMG GTFAC

Careful racing it, you might bin it 

M.A.D.D won’t like it,cause the only way you can use it is while you’re trashed.

Wow, I’ll bet you really enjoy taking that thing out!

Sweet bro, is that thing bagged?

Yeah, I heard it’s a load of rubbish. 


Came here to post Zimbabwe dollars.

That car looks amazing! 

I’d want mine 1" down from that but other than that, A+.

It’s a camper, inside of a camper, inside of a camper!!!

The Model 3 would probably be your best bet for this because the screen isn’t portrait oriented.

If you opt for the +M+ Package ($4500), it comes with a small box of M badges for the dealer to apply at your discretion.

3 spaces, not bad.

Now playing

Hi neighbor! I live in upstate SC, near the BMW NA HQ/Zentrum/Plant

Audi Allroad with the 2.7T and Air suspension. You’ll be Finnnneee


Nice humblebrag ;)