
I dig the 219's. 18" 219's appeal to me more than the later 19" 260's.  No idea how heavy they are, but they look good to me.

Ah, point taken. But local jobs notwithstanding, it’s so darned ugly.

I’ll never forget standing in a rental place at the desk when two American couples were given a Jeep Renegade, three of them went out to the car to put their bags in leaving the driver to sign the documents when the guy’s wife came running in shouting, “it’s a manual, it’s a manual, is that okay?” I had to laugh but

But a good way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.

More like we need to keep them off our railways.

I’m shocked it took me so long to find this recommendation. I thought for sure one of the “experts” would have recommended it. You can even get a Nismo one for more sportiness :P

Contact is not supposed to be allowed, though as far as whether or not it’s penalized is taken on a case-by-case. I think. Anyway, I don’t know if this footage was available or seen shortly after the race.

This was my first thought as well.

Star for your obvious, but yet not obvious choice

So kinda the opposite of the Ford GT? Here, he’s trying to get people to flip them at a profit to boost the market.

Plus, BMWs are a gateway drug for learning to do your own work. So straight-forward to work on, the forums have all the tribal knowledge in the world, and awesome aftermarket support.

Location: Oregon: They make tires for that

I’ve posted this before, but it’s worth repeating.

Some times it goes bad some times it goes good, if the price is right and you’re ok with a little risk you can some times get a crazy deal before someone snaps it up, other times you could get screwed. Taking a risk isn’t dumb or crazy if you do it knowingly and balance the reward against the risk. I mean taking a

A girl who used to comment on Jalopnik got this Senna tattoo.

Get the fuck out with your plebian ass “no excuse for purple cars” bullshit.

Sorry, I had to.

If you haven’t already, check out her older vids on her channel. Awesome stuff.