
Fun fact, cams can also be made into lamps.

This seems like overkill, but then again you know the saying “overkill is underrated.”

The 2008 Honda Civic EX 2011 BMW M3 is a perfectly fine car for normal and regular humans jalops.

It is. Hell, I bet it’s faster than my M3.

There is one word that comes to mind when I think about how to describe the styling and it is garish.

Is it like Costco where I buy Porsches in bulk and get a discount?

Worse things you can do to a car:

One solution to the problem.

MMMMM Dakar Yellow

And it took me until about two weeks ago to finally have the recall done to my M3.

Savannah this week:

I just want to know if they also put it on his other head.

I know in 2018 I’ll still be driving this wonderful thing around.

If it makes you feel any better, it’s just a photoshop.

I love learning about car badging!!!

The cuts seem to be helping, but you always have the threat of US shale picking up that lost production.

I think $70 is a bit too optimistic, but I have been offered two jobs to go back to the field and frac. So there are signs of a recovery.