safety restraints kicked in, yo
safety restraints kicked in, yo
Organic sauerkraut? Looks like the Green party is finally getting it's way on the autobahn.
Why isn't the Volt selling in the numbers that you had anticipated? Do you think it's because people think it's a full on electric car with limited range, despite your best efforts? Also, do you think a diesel electric Volt is in the foreseeable future? As you probably know, thanks to the fact that a diesel engine is…
e303's corrected lyrics:
true, I wonder if there is a notable difference of the performance of the car during an accident
It's not a man's car, as much as Volkswagon wants us to believe that it's a man's car it's not. It's a girl's car. When you give a car an option such as a flower vase, it immediately and irreversibly becomes a girl's car, and that stigma can not be overcome in one model. I would suspect most guys abhor the idea of…
Yes, and I could be killed by a meteor walking to class tomorrow
made me chuckle
yes, it's the clutch, I was making a joke that since there are almost no manual cars sold in the United States that many people will have no idea what that pedal does.
Canada's space program shows signs of the recent budget cuts
today's madlib: Life Is Better With A 500-Horsepower "insert noun here"
Dusty as hell and now noise from my horn isn't showing up
yeah but if you take an Alfa out in the snow you're gonna have to clear the ice and snow off so you can fix it to drive home then scrape more ice and snow off to fix it again once you get home.
The Juke R is like Godzilla ripped the heart of out Godzilla and put it in a matt-black, small, soft off-roader and bought some wheels from a friend who knows a friend who can get some GTR rims real cheap.
chill out, take a joke.