
1. In lieu of my own actual weapon, I felt lucky to have a dude around, a Boy Scout, a chase-after-the-guy sort of dude. The world's best weapon against a dude if you don't have a weapon yourself is another dude, right? Irrational or not, that's what it felt like. Just glad I had a dude. (Thanks, dude.)

I spent the first six months of my daughter's life googling "why do people even have kids?" To say I had a hard time adjusting would be an understatement. I was not suffering from postpartum depression in any other sense than I realized my old life was over and I would never ever ever EVER have it back. I was mourning

I keep hoping one of these days the hackers will steal all my loans... but it never seems to happen.

i will not let murdering tweens take slenderman away from me.

Sex with head trauma can be confusing....

Person 1: Was it good for you?
Person 2: I can't remember

panties OFF.

Other student groups often perpetuate exclusivity and hazing, theater groups and music (esp marching bands) are great examples of this.

The shitty, culty exclusionism is what people like about them.

How does anyone come by an irrational hatred that isn't actually real?

pooper poling prompts parental prevention plea

Extra evidence that summer was awesome: got married, bought a house, new job for hubs AND money leftover to buy kayaks once we take possession of said house. Kayaks make everything better.

I like your style. After the Mid-East crisis started really heating up, I had to give NPR a break. I usually listen to it when I'm in the car but after I turned it off, I realized how much bad/sad news I was taking in all day long. I love them for their interviews and great shows, but sometimes you just have to give

It's a good thing they finally got engaged. Their hips are probably chafing from all those side hugs.

Screw apologizing for this shit spreading to other parts of Gawker Media. You have to functionally be a moron to think this would not spread.

I challenge you with(Paraphrasing): "23 years without a polio case in the US and I don't understand why we still give to children. It is beyond me"

It's not just the climate.