This machine electrocutes fascists.
Woody Guthr-E.
This could be marketing gold.
By far and away, my favorite part of working at a dealership, was when minty older normal cars rolled in.
I don't even expect our terrible healthcare system to cover a converted van....but I would expect our system to actually cover healthcare stuff, which is sometimes a challenge. This is the only modern country where you have to buy extra insurance for your insurance...and even then they can decide not to pay for…
Bravo on the new purchase, the past few years of Honda’s are finally edging out the Siennas in overall quality and styling IMHO (I own a 07 and 11 Sienna.. jury is out on my next van). I feel for you and your wife- the added expense of the conversion is no small thing.
Yeah, but with a Taycan, you can’t pick up any replacement parts at the hardware store.
Yep, just exactly how I imagine an E60 M5 would get around.
200 MPH on FULL SELF DRIVING while I sleep off a hangover, BRO
I read from another place trying to develop it that a typical cell phone battery would have less radioactivity than a typical human body (we also have Carbon-14 in our bones, which is how they radiocarbon date stuff).
I was a designated “technical expert” at a Ford dealer. Theyd have me train the sales staff on the vehicles, and help out with any customers who had questions beyond what the average sales idiot could answer. Sales people suck at product knowledge because they have no time to learn it. Any time spent trying to know…
Congratulations! I worked in dealerships (service advisor at one, then parts consultant at another) for seven years and I have to say, working in a dealership is a truly miserable/soul sucking experience. I always treat people as well as I can when I have to take my vehicle in because I lived the misery once.
+1 for an Ice Cube reference!
then don’t read it anymore.
Check the hold for Sciroccos and Syclones.
Buffalo Chip held dozens of events every day through the 16th, including a headlining performance by musical group Smash Mouth
They know what they got (coronavirus)
I think the delay is partly because Jalopnik doesn’t agree to press embargoes so they get the info when we get the info rather than being able to prepare beforehand.