
Would you argue that it was Progressives?
Remember, the only reason we have Rhode Island is because the Pilgrims, seeking freedom from persecution for religious beliefs, kicked out a bunch of people that had different religious beliefs...

The working assumption now is that Donald Trumps doesn’t know anything, period.

thank u for ur contribution

I think it means political bullshit so that the Qualified Guy gets thrown under a bus and we expect miracles from a fucking office furniture huckster.

translation: “We have no idea what we are doing but the board voted that we needed to do something immediate for the sake of doing something”

Looks like they forged papers claiming it was something else, so the intent is pretty clear. Also, if you imported an object legally there is no reason to try, as crappy a job as they did, to hide it like that.

Just think;in a few short years,it will miraculously be safe and emit perfume!

wasn’t it the exact opposite? they federalized R33s (april 96 to may 98 I believe?) and tried to shoehorn every other GT-R in with it. So They got fined and every Motorex car got a letter from the Gov saying that since they were brought under false pretense they were not going to be crushed but others would.

I feel like I didn’t say enough in my first comment. I think the students should do with these silly, archaic ceremonies whatever they want. It’s their celebration. But how the Trump team doesn’t know a minefield when there are signs all over the place that say MINE FIELD DEAD AHEAD boggles my mind. How does putting

I’m referring to the Trump administration. How they don’t see these things happening at every turn is beyond me.

The only people who are going to be upset about this, people who focus on “civility” instead of the content of the message, are people who are looking for something to be upset about anyway. Fuck the optics.

If this speech/appearance were part of a debate of ideas where students could come and listen and respond to opposing viewpoints, I’d be totally in agreement. This was a graduation ceremony, where being invited to speak is something of an accolade and it’s expected to be someone the students respect, or at least don’t

Yes. Why can’t we treat shitty people who want to do shitty things with more DECORUM and RESPECT. The only way they will realize how disliked they are for the shitty things they want to do is if everyone sits politely and smiles at them.

Yes, but that second one is actually also Betsy DeVos.

This kind of divisive behavior is counterproductive. Students today are afraid to hear ideas that don’t fit into their pre-existing ideology. It’s also a rude breach of decorum.

As the reporter rightly was getting at with his questioning, the “I’m only accountable to the people in my district” defense rings a bit hollow when Blum’s largest donors are from outside of his district. If he can be bought by parties outside his district, then he can answer questions asked by Iowans outside his

It is useful to be able to speak dictionary-standard English with no distinct regional accent. I’m with you that far.

Sounding white on the phone is not the same as sounding like you’re striving for excellence. Take your white supremacist bullshit somewhere else; like off a cliff.

“The reason is because” is redundant. Properly, it’s “the reason that.” You should hyphenate “high-profile” and “high-end” because they modify the nouns “position” and “sales.” There is no such thing as “high level wealthy people,” since “high-level” refers to an employee’s position in the company, not how much money

Lol, shut the fuck up. Language is fluid. Linguists disagree with you. “People who speak poor English typically stay poor” Yeah, or they become the president of the United States.