
Always loved telling people LTE wasn’t available and they just fell for a marketing trick.

The big deal is that it’s deceptive and wrong? And the fact that they did it before, means they were shitty and deceptive before and doesn’t exonerate them in any way?

Canadian car. I think they can bring them in at 15 years instead of the 25 year wait in the US.

Eliminating the income cap on FICA would raise taxes on the rich. The FICA tax is regressive; any money a person makes over $127,000 is no longer subject to FICA. Eliminating the income cap would require the rich to pay FICA on their full income.

They’re snarky because this guy, while doing an undoubtedly good public service here, also expresses surprise that tax deductions mostly benefit the well-off and that the government doesn’t actually provide for all the needs of the poor and sick. One of the richest and most powerful men in the last couple decades in

We could also just remove the FICA income cap and do nothing else, which would fix Social Security’s long-term finances in perpetuity without having to touch the retirement age. Just because the average life expectancy is 79 now doesn’t mean a guy still doing backbreaking manual labor until 67 should have to do it

Local Commentariat Complains About Soft Ribbing Billionaire Recieved for Stupid Comments

Not that you need me to tell you this, but this is a really good post. Thanks for writing it up. This is complicated, and there’s no reason to cheer tonight’s action. Assad’s awful, but firing 50 missiles at a military airfield is a fairly impotent action, in the scheme of things. It’s not exactly a Pearl Harbor for

While it makes for great press, it makes for shitty foreign policy to base military strikes on which pictures in the “FAKE NEWS” media get the most attention and pull the most heartstrings. Because two days ago, there were still 200,000 other children, women and men that were torn apart by shrapnel, barrel bombs,

Ah yes, colluding with Russia by attacking its allies. That old chestnut.

Oh good. The States has never had issues removing crazy power mad leaders in the middle east through force before. This will be fun to learn this lesson for the first time.

These actions may give a temporary feeling of vindication but let’s not forget the many MANY children who have died at the hands of the American military complex. Let us also not forget that violence begets violence, and it is almost inevitable the U.S. has opened a can of worms with this decision.

Yes because every time the fucking yahoos have gone into another nation (without declaration which is in breach of international law) it’s turned out so fucking well.

Thankfully we here in America celebrate our pacifist revolutionaries and so don’t have to worry about the hypocrisy of condemning a different nation for using violence in overthrowing a foreign government while idolizing our similar actions.

We’re coming to wherever you are and forming the state there. We’re gonna compel you to do hard labor until you repent your reactionary ways. We’re gonna call it DarthHappyIsADoltstan. It’s gonna be dope.

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

Define “most socialist policies”? Because many of the critical features of social democracies around the world actually poll quite well here. 58% of people support switching to a single-payer healthcare system. 62% favor making public colleges tuition-free. A 2014 poll (i.e., a poll taken before Sanders’ campaign

Which policies are you referring to? Universal healthcare? Free education? A way higher minimum wage? Campaign finance reform? Those are the things I hear socialists asking for most aggressively right now, and frankly, I think they’re fairly popular.