


Only in a straight line. Which is not where you buy a Porsche for. At least I wouldn’t. It’ll be slower in turns.

Just because something can be done doesn't mean it should.

This is wrong.

Eventhough you’ve said you were nowhere near the trailer’s weight capacity...you probably were over it, and you were probably exceeding the maximum speed for the tires (those things are usually like 55mph).... plus you were exceeding the maximum load on the hitch and of the car’s towing capacity.

A party at Torchinsky’s

If you are ever parked with your tire on the yellow line I will murder your dog.

If those areas statistically have higher crime than it isnt racist. They never said it was those people commiting the crimes.

V6 would explain the hood being so tall.

Not to mention half the 4-bangers out there these days anyways. You know, because symmetry.


What letter could this be though? Y won’t you tell us the letter?? I’m not sure Y I am so angry about this but I do need to know Y.

Agreed, dual exhaust means nothing. 1.5l Honda Civics have dual exhaust now, it's fashionable.

If only there were some magical letter-named segment of exhaust pipe that could split a single-exhaust into “duals” to meet the fashions of the day. . . .

Right. Waste of space/weight for styling purposes.

But every current straight-six BMW (except for the M cars) has dual exhausts.

There was nothing sexy about the FT1 with its Penis nose.

I was thinking this as well. That hasn’t stopped BMW in the past.