Master Chiefzilla Comes With Built-In Spartan Laser

Now let's just replace the guitar with a cane...

Hi Doc,

I wouldn't just play that, I'd lose some weight in order to play that without offending people!

Good shit. I always remember the very first winter-driving lesson I got from my dad. He took me out to an iced-over parking lot and had me try to run around on it, telling me to turn or stop here and there. It resulted in my falling down and flailing around like a jackass.

Because NSFW.

Typically I just yell "Last one to finish does the dishes" and make it a race.

I just finished The Art Of Fielding, which is a great novel that's sort of about baseball.

A new Rhythm Heaven game is headed to the Nintendo 3DS this summer in Japan. It will feature in excess of a hundred rhythm games, over thirty of which are new to the series.

I am absolutely stupefied! In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned it would look like this. I LOVE IT!

"Lets make the front end as large and awkwardly proportioned as possible without balancing the design anywhere else on the truck."