Master Chiefzilla Comes With Built-In Spartan Laser

Charlize Theron was going to get paid less than Chris Hemsworth?

"To fight, turn to page 25. To run, turn to page 46"

So the Snake's finally come out of his hole? Are you ready now... my brother?

everything about touchscreen controls.

OK, so it was 1990, but I spent the summer living with my father and working in a very posh mountain resort town. He had a lovely '86 911 Targa that he would not let me drive because "I was not on the insurance", so I was stuck with my '77 Rabbit.

That CS:GO surfing clip was super zen. Can someone just make a whole game out of that concept? Please?

You might know me, you might not, but my name's Patrick Klepek, and I'm the newest addition to the Kotaku family.

Now playing

Speaking of Kanye and his late mother, here's my favorite sweet video of them. Literally brings a little tear to my eye because it's so sweet:

How do you like them apples, Diddy?

One of us.

FDNY Seagrave. Because fire truck.