
lol, no didn't stop learning however I am less educated on the 70-90's era of our military history, most of my research was on colonialism thru the 1950-60's and the "brain drain" so I can see why you might find my assessment over-reaching.

I mostly am trying to get across that while Canada can "get away" with out spending too much on military and get by, maybe not always perfectly equipped, like our subs and arty etc. the American system of dumping so many resources that it ends up crippling them in other capacities such as taking care of there own

haha, that is crazy stuff, I've heard we were using old equipment in certain fields but I didn't know they'd use stuff that old, boy.

To quote Dave Foley in Newsradio; "I was on a roll."

Hey, yeah I sort of rushed through my comment and posted it fast before many appeared, I staged a pre-emptive post here and now paying the price, haha. I thought I'd see a lot of Canada bashing, which seems usual, so some of my points and "spelling" is a bit off, i.e.: CAF etc.

Yeah I guess some of our equipment is out-dated, artillery and subs, (oh those were a waste of money weren't they) no question, I agree. I think our navy is next in need of a refresh, the frigates are getting up there in age, although they've been refurbished. I know we've got upgraded tanks and new choppers and

I wrote it quick, lol. However my point is valid even though you failed to note that part.

Our oil is? You mean Alberta isn't producing record amount of oil from the tar sands, you mean the NFLD natural oil-fields aren't working at full capacity? You mean we're not suppling %70 of the easter sea-board with there gasoline and almost %40 of it's electricity plus our own, Canada isn't holding the largest

You get around 20-30% of your oil, 70% of the oil and gas in whole eastern Seaboard of the USA. Again a massive chunk of your electricity is from Ontario and Quebec and some from NB, NS and soon a massive chunk from NFLD. We hold the largest capacity of fresh water in the world and the largest and best maintained

If you're an American I guess it wouldn't take much more than some country, say, Oh I don't know, China?! To call in it's debts...then yeah, you'd know what it was like to be British after the end of World War Two when the American government did the same thing to Britain. Now as for your comment about Canada, yeah we

It's very true, I started my university course on Global issues the day after 9/11, I tell you it was the best class ever because the anger, the frustration and the theorizing that took place came true and what I remember talking about happening to American because of, what we theorized would take place; a war on

"We've saved the entire world from despots a few times, not Canada. "

Our military can protect the country just fine, and has done so in period of natural disasters. Defence wise yeah we can do that too, sure we'd appreciate help from kind neighbours depending on the scenario...however what scenario would that be? If you doubt Canada's ability to more readily mobilize a massive force of

While I am sure, as a Canadian we get it all the time even though it's unwarranted considering our small population, there will be a massive amount of Canada bashing this article speaks to the craziness that is the American budget and the priorities. As a historian who studied war as the primary focus of my study I

This guy was Russian for one, so why would he get an American MOH? He was given a Hero of the Soviet Union distinction, obviously post posthumously.

I've been known as the resident "Big Ben" since I was in elementary school for keeping my watch perfectly in sync with the bell system and I continue that trend to this day...except now with the most precise time I can, hehe. I went from digital, to analog pretty quickly, like 2-3 yrs and now I've gotten pissed at the

New Brunswick, Canada here:

True, there is that side of things doing it for the greater good so to speak by making a big show and going in on a gamble. Will it pay off for them? Who knows, it is however getting them attention which is at least part of there plan, haha. Have to see how this all unfolds over time and if it will pay off in the end.

I have to say as much as Anonymous seems to want to stand up for freedom on the internet and righteousness they have basically come full circle from showing why and exposing the culprits to becoming the reason they will crack down on liberties. Bad things start with good intentions and this is the best example of that

As a photographer I don't know why it would be suggested this is fake, it looks pretty decent actually. He did go a bit over-board on the Saturation's and contrasting which is why the lake has that pop out look as well as the fact it appears that he did some tonal range work as well.