  • Pigs are rarely used to hunt truffles anymore, since their hooves can destroy the root systems of the trees they’re dependent on for survival. Italy banned the use of truffle pigs entirely in 1985. Now, a specially trained Nicolas Cage is used instead.

The vail of civility is very thin. Slapping and scratching is not okay.

and a *part* of the bible... We should call them Apartheids.

Does this mean we get to crucify this mother fucker or what?

I think the idea of reality is also very up in the air for him.

Jesus prayed for all the dipshits to go away and as a punishment his Dad sent him to earth...turns out he would rather die than be with us.

At least he didn’t say can I be your Malcom in the Middo ‘o Lizzo.

They have been training for this day for a day a year for 20 years.

How ironic is it when a Christian supports the fucking devil incarnate...all of them are plebeian twats. Two-faced D-bags make me sick.

Color me shocked that the military doesn’t know what their money is going or really care...and all in the name of “We will never forget”...now give us your money so we can go protect the world.

Everybody’s Everything hits theaters in November.

They are going to have a huge lawsuit waiting for them someone realizes this is all surveillance footage from Chuck E. Cheese’s.

This guys is nuts.

He was very quick witted extremely good at calling their bullshit which kind of helps them...resigning was probs the only thing he could have done to save any face...like .01%. It would be very difficult to win an argument when someone just calls you a rapist in response to anything.

Is that a trump quote?

Oh god can you imagine if the whistleblower is a woman, they will just pull from their white ivy league rape playbook...

and is why Catholics are really bad at math.

I’m glad they cut the laugh off of the end of his rant...it’s not a joke, these are his actual thoughts. He want to be a mobster but his complexion and brain size puts him closer to the lobster category.

The irony of her wearing head to toe black while proclaiming her hate for people of color is highly offensive...and her brain is fucked up mush. She will get what is coming to her I can’t wait to see it.