You have to understand...MO is the most over worked state with out compensation in the country. So yeah free doesn’t go well here because nothing is free here...except guns, guns are free here.
You have to understand...MO is the most over worked state with out compensation in the country. So yeah free doesn’t go well here because nothing is free here...except guns, guns are free here.
When he does one thing says another then does another and says the opposite because he doesn’t know wtf is going on or how to lead it leads to uncertainty.
I want to be your friend.
Bank of America puts the chance of a U.S. recession in the next 12 months at one in three and if trump gets re-elected a chance of three of three.
I would think they would raise salaries to try to get some people onboard and lower the CEO’s salary from 5.6 million a year to 5.2 million...but that is just ridiculous it would never work.
Liquid Nitrogen
Does the recognition have to be accurate...because I’m about 100% sure Jesus wasn’t a white dude.
Portnoy is a super cool handsome guy that deserves a generous lifestyle...the reverse.
MIZ...We Shoot You.
Eh+ comeback.
Could almost never wrong?
Whoever came up with this is such a dill.
Lost my shit as did they!
You can be pro life and still want abortion to be legal.
I think we all now know more about this woman life than most of the women in our lives and more than we ever wanted to.
Get this on Meme Review!
trump needs to do this...but if he is going to out do the President of Turkmenistan he will have to go straight down the hole.
What is their safe word...Jigglypuff?
Get your eye on the game and keep your head on the ball.