
I feel like Kurt would have said that last bit too.

I have a small correction to this correction...

I want to know why there is soooo much jizz on the walls?


ummm because of greed.

HEY! That sounds like a great movie!

An example of Trumpian agitation tactics would be arguing we need to build a wall to keep everyone out but start Starforce because the moon is made of cheese and will have no way to get queso for our afternoon quesadillas.

That’s not incredible, it’s lazy goalkeeping.

What if you live in Alaska.

Technically it’s CLEVE-LAND but I’ll let this one fly due to how awesome Howard the Duck is.

Don’t visit STL

Or we could just not put so much stock into sports so people don’t give a shit and treat every game like fun instead of business...oh wait, this is America.

Send them all to the RANCH!

There is a really easy solution to all of this...pay your workers more! If rich people don’t want to then cap how much they can make and give it back to their workers or programs to enrich society (education, food banks, shelters, hand up programs, community restoration projects... NOT PRO ATHLETIC FIELDS).

I thought playing video games was going to be in there...Game on! Game on!

1 pushup a day for 100 days doesn’t count haha

Change your title, pot has nothing to do with retardation.

Bu bu bu but not rich people, not rich people. 

Their teaser outline of their new car is sick bro!

Are those tears of fear or from the smell?